
FUR is finally updated! This is the first actual weekend I've had in a month so I've decided to spend it writing like a maniac. 
          	FYI: Chapter 18 is almost done, too! I'm still working on it but it shouldn't be too much longer. I know things have been moving extremely slowly but please bear with me! If it all goes accordingly, it should all be worth it in the end. 
          	Thank you all so much for your immense patience! It is very much appreciated <3 
          	Much love x 


@Silverless please give me your email for b.u.s.s.i.n.e.s.s e.n.q.u i r y


@Silverless when are you going to update next chapter


Hello, hope you're well 
          I remember a few years ago reading a book on your profile named Bloodrest Mountain or something along that line, it seemed to be some sort of prequel to The Exiled Alpha.
          I was wondering whether you have that book posted on any other site since it's not on your Wattpad profile anymore?


Hey Bestie
          Let me start by saying , I LOVED THE EXILED ALPHA
          I just finished it and I'm in tears , I didn't want it to end :(
          It was literally soooooooo damn good , I ain't kidding when I say I was seriously glued to my phone reading that book 
          I love the characters and how well formulated they are and how unique you were with the names 
          And Riot Sydney !!!!! Please tell me he ain't just a fictional character because girl !!!!! I know why he's called *Riot*
          If you have a sequel in mind , pls do it !!!!
          You just got yourself a new follower bestie 


@21MistfulReads The Exiled Alpha was one of my favorite books yet! I couldn't put it away and ended up finishing it in two days! I also gained some inspiration from the book itself! 


FUR is finally updated! This is the first actual weekend I've had in a month so I've decided to spend it writing like a maniac. 
          FYI: Chapter 18 is almost done, too! I'm still working on it but it shouldn't be too much longer. I know things have been moving extremely slowly but please bear with me! If it all goes accordingly, it should all be worth it in the end. 
          Thank you all so much for your immense patience! It is very much appreciated <3 
          Much love x 


@Silverless please give me your email for b.u.s.s.i.n.e.s.s e.n.q.u i r y


@Silverless when are you going to update next chapter


Status Update: I'm alive! 
          I'm so sorry to all the lovely readers of Fur for the complete absence of updates lately (eek!). I've been so busy with work and school that I haven't even had time to *think* of anything else. I should have given you all a warning ahead of time that updates would be delayed, but I never and that's entirely my fault. I'll try to do better on that front going forward because I know how much it sucks to sit there waiting to read a book whose author has silently disappeared (shame on me!). 
          Nonetheless, please don't worry because I definitely have not forgotten about you guys or Leila and Zakai! Fur will most definitely be continued, so don't worry about that at all. I'm going to try to get an update out asap, though I can't accurately even guess when that will be (hopefully sooner rather than later).
          Thank you all so so so much for your patience. I can't even begin to describe how much I appreciate it, nor how happy I am that Fur has the privilege of having such a lovely, caring readership. 
          That's all for now. See you lot in the next chapter (wherever in the near future that may be)! 
          Much love x 


No worries we don't mind waiting when the story is that good ❤️


@Silverless No worries! Good that you're back! 


Please I would like to know if there wolud be a second book of THE EXILED ALPHA 


@DaniellaAdolphus I honestly don't know. I do have a sequel planned and a started draft, however I am not actively working on it and am working on other stories instead. Either way, if there is ever a sequel, it won't be for quite a while. Sorry :( 