
Okay a new problem has occurred with Wattpad and I can't properly edit my current chapter of Ultimatum, and I'm just assuming here but it doesn't seem like I can do any writing even though I'm pretty much done with the chapter every time I leave and re-enter it deletes my progress and I have to go back and even if it was letting me save I can't add any more Images or Videos so I can't do the credits or Teaser which means I won't be able to publish anything


@Smad116 i hope you will do a x-men storm x oc story on here in the future just as a future idea for a story on here


Questions: how many stories are you working on right now?


@DeVante561 depends what I’m in the mood write but I’m trying to get Ben 10 out at least weekly for everything else however They don’t really have a schedule. If I’m in the mood to write it. I’m in the mood to write it. But yeah, depends what I’ve seen recently or if I’m inspired to write something in particular.


Bro I love your Earth's mightiest speedster fanfiction please keep working on it I love it so much its funny that their cussing which I find awesome as well as the girls of Earth's mightiest heroes are finally getting the love they deserve especially Amora because she deserves to be loved and treated with respect because she's lonely and I'm glad your making this fanfiction so she's not lonely I can't wait for future updates of this story because this story deserves to be written and shared to the world of wattpad please keep working on this amazing story 


Any chance you could make an assassin's creed story with a harem?


@Supreme1137 mirage is a Ex Member of the Creed joining Professors X’s school for the gifted 


@Supreme1137 technically I’m already making one


Any chance you could make a Wolverine and the X-Men (TV series) story?(I just haven’t seen any stories about this show here at all, which is very sad because it’s one of the most awesome X-Men tv shows!)


@Smad116 Okay i understand thank you for the answer.


@Aleks637 if you refer to the prior conversation  I had with a requester you can see that I want to get through the story’s I’ve already made first but I will keep the idea In mind for a possible future book


Hey I got a question, not trying to sound like I’m pushing but when will you continue the Ben 10 series?, it’s really interesting it’s like what if “two watch handler heroes” like I wish the one created Ben 10 would have that idea in the first place 


@Smad116 no need to apologize understandable 


@DeVante561 oh I hit that by mistake sorry


Why the “?” It’s a complement 


Okay a new problem has occurred with Wattpad and I can't properly edit my current chapter of Ultimatum, and I'm just assuming here but it doesn't seem like I can do any writing even though I'm pretty much done with the chapter every time I leave and re-enter it deletes my progress and I have to go back and even if it was letting me save I can't add any more Images or Videos so I can't do the credits or Teaser which means I won't be able to publish anything


@Smad116 i hope you will do a x-men storm x oc story on here in the future just as a future idea for a story on here


What will happen to ultimate devil and spider


@146128c one you’re fine for asking two it says what those books are in the “going on pause” chapter of the book


@Smad116 okay sorry for asking but those books are?