
@Lianamenchik ha! I'm okay. Just a miserably long writer's block. I've tried to write 4 or 5 times throughout these last months and just . . . had nothing. Gonna give it another go though. Wish me luck!


Hello Soraya,
          It's been a while since I've looked you up. I was just on Amazon checking if you had released anything new and googled to see if there were any updates from you on any sites. I hope all is well in your life and that you will continue to write and start sharing your work again.


Hello, I just finished reading captive witch and I thought the book was brilliant. I didn’t think I would like it as much as to summon a vampire but I’m torn between the 2. Are there any plans to release the third novel in the series? The blood witch looks so promising. Love your work I’ve been a fan since before they were published, thank you for these stories they were amazing!!!


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Holy shit! I read the first two books and thought I wasn't ready to read captive witch. That was about a year ago and today I thought 'I'm ready' only to realise that it's not here! Man I'm such an idiot! I wish I read it sooner.