
Hello, my fellow readers. I have been thinking about this for a long time, but with a heavy heart, I'm deleting It's Me, Nii-san. The reason for this is that the more I got into updating Flamingo Arc, the more focus I lost It's Me, Nii-san. I didn't want you all to keep waiting for the next update if there wasn't one. Plus I feel like the story was taking longer to complete than I expected when I first wrote it.
          	So yeah, to all those who have been following me for a long time and those who really loved my FNAF x DXD crossover story, I apologize for the bad news.
          	The good news is that we're halfway done with Flamingo Arc II and since I already have a plan for this season, it allows me to finally create a new story. Now this one will be an Isekai x Cyberpunk 2077 story. It will involve both the Anime and the game, and the reader will have the ability of a certain organization. Stay tuned.
          	Artist out.


@SoundAnbu17  honestly your stuff is great I tried making my own what if stories or fanfics and I never know where to end them or if they'll turn out right your's are golden though 
          	  Side question is it ok if I read Flamingo Arc on my what if channel it's really good and I hope more people see your stuff but if not that's ok and I hope your doing good.
          	  The channel is Whackyanimewhatif if your curious it's not a big channel 


@SoundAnbu17 same with you anbu whenever I read my fics I would delete them lmao but yours is gold don't delete it please though 


@Raccoongod65 Because the more I read it the more cringed I feel as I realize that I was getting know where with it



@JinnyKisaragi Yes but things get in the way, I'll try to update as best as I can