Hi everyone! 
          	I'd want to make this to apologize to those that may or not be waiting for more content for my SMG4 Story and to let you all know that there's still more to come, but I'm currently in the middle of moving out this week and FINALLY getting my own place! Yay!
          	I also have been thinking of creating other forms of content like Splatoon & Pokemon, which I'm also working on progress for, still figuring it all out. I'm also aware that I won't be able to DM anyone by the beginning of May so hopefully this could be a second best way to be able to reach out to you all and keep you all updated. ^^


Hi everyone! 
          I'd want to make this to apologize to those that may or not be waiting for more content for my SMG4 Story and to let you all know that there's still more to come, but I'm currently in the middle of moving out this week and FINALLY getting my own place! Yay!
          I also have been thinking of creating other forms of content like Splatoon & Pokemon, which I'm also working on progress for, still figuring it all out. I'm also aware that I won't be able to DM anyone by the beginning of May so hopefully this could be a second best way to be able to reach out to you all and keep you all updated. ^^


Hey There, How's it going? Hopefully, It's going alright. 
          Now, I did want to make this a genuine question for all of you or for those who can even see this, let alone care. What do you really see in the content that I make?
          Don't get me wrong, I always enjoy making content in the best ways I can especially in the way of Fanfiction. It's always been something that I had imagined when It comes to being remembered for something that I make. I always wanted to do stuff like this and maybe something even better and improve on my previous work and learn from it.
          So much of my work here on Wattpad along with many other platforms have made a pretty nice impression and gaining quite a lot of unexpected attraction, but I could never understand why that maybe? What is or was it about the stuff I make that made so many people invested and wanting more?
          I've been having a lack of motivation to continue with the work I put in because I felt like I'd end up deteriorating from what made my work so likeable or at least something that just exists. Even when it comes to making something new, I feel like I'm just creating the same stuff all over without giving any chance to try something new and fresh out at the very least to be more original in what I do. Yet, I do see a number of people that seem to still enjoy my work and I want to know why that might be. It's always nice to hear someone's opinions on the things that I do and learn from them, but I want to know what you guys think.