
You guys know what the best part about being a writer and having free will is? I can just casually write lines like 'Stop with your lesbian shenanigans this instant' and put them in the chapter and just... publish it. No one can stop me. I am the hand that writes my fate.


@Tadtooromantic yes, you go and write what you like


You guys know what the best part about being a writer and having free will is? I can just casually write lines like 'Stop with your lesbian shenanigans this instant' and put them in the chapter and just... publish it. No one can stop me. I am the hand that writes my fate.


@Tadtooromantic yes, you go and write what you like


I got 400 pages I gotta read tomorrow.
          I want to not be alive anymore.
          I swear to god, I’m sick of academic yapping. They spend 30 pages telling something that could be told in 3 - just with nonsense and unnecessary junk in between. Spend 2 pages explaining a theory in great detail, only then then finish off with a single sentence saying ‘but that isn’t right’ THEN WHY’D YOU BRING IT UP??
          Anyway, I’m sick of Uni. Any of y’all looking for a smut writing sugar baby? 


Academic life in a nutshell… but it allows you to have a better life afterwards… or so they say…


@Tadtooromantic Hiii.Have fun.
            I had judges come to school and talk to me about law for two hours.Against my will.
            A few hours ago,I studied for my exam.I’m going to study some more tomorrow.


Hey people! I am so sorry for the lack of updates. I’m revising for exams and applying for jobs like crazy. And I can barely make myself functional these day, let alone write. My apologies for the lack of updates, I do hope do remedy the situation soon!


@Tadtooromantic no worries, hope your exams go well and you get the job your looking for, will be waiting patiently for when you have time to write again, good luck


@Tadtooromantic Hii,hope you do well on your applications.I have an exam in about a few weeks so I just finished studying.


Your story is addicting I swear I’m reading it between classes and possibly while I’m at work… amazing writing! Also you seem like such a nice chill person I love reading your Author’s notes several of them have made me laugh. We should be friends lol


          Just wanted to say, LOVE your writing
          Concept, storyline, characters - ALL OF IT
          Literally have read "Adored by the Alpha" - like 15 times now XD
          Already looking forward to your new story too  <3
          Also, a quick: Good luck on your Exams!


Thank you! I’m looking forward to my new story too! And I’m glad that you’re enjoying my writing!