
Hey everyone,
          	I hope you all had an awesome Ramadan and Eid Mubarak to those who were celebrating!
          	I just wanted to give you all a quick update on why there haven't been any chapters released in the past couple of weeks. I had a test last week, and then I got hit with a bad cold, headache, and trouble breathing. On top of that, my leg was killing me and I could barely move.
          	I went to the hospital today and got checked out, and everything's gonna be alright. I'm sorry for the delay, but I promise to make it up to you guys with not just one, but two or three chapters coming your way this week. And no, they won't be any filler chapters, so don't worry.
          	I really appreciate your understanding and support, and I can't wait to share the upcoming chapters with you all. Eid Mubarak once again, and take care. See you in the next chapter!


@Tempest_king_20 get well my boy love your work 


@Tempest_king_20 hope you get better soon


Are you dead? My friend


Well.... Very disappointed, I thought you were dead. just kidding and hope your problem is resolved


@hikaru1254 Hahaha, I'm alive, no worry. 
            Sorry I haven't released any chapter in the last couple of weeks, I've been having some personal issues


Hey everyone,
          I hope you all had an awesome Ramadan and Eid Mubarak to those who were celebrating!
          I just wanted to give you all a quick update on why there haven't been any chapters released in the past couple of weeks. I had a test last week, and then I got hit with a bad cold, headache, and trouble breathing. On top of that, my leg was killing me and I could barely move.
          I went to the hospital today and got checked out, and everything's gonna be alright. I'm sorry for the delay, but I promise to make it up to you guys with not just one, but two or three chapters coming your way this week. And no, they won't be any filler chapters, so don't worry.
          I really appreciate your understanding and support, and I can't wait to share the upcoming chapters with you all. Eid Mubarak once again, and take care. See you in the next chapter!


@Tempest_king_20 get well my boy love your work 


@Tempest_king_20 hope you get better soon


Hi just wanted to say I haven’t seen chapter 47 


@ArnoldPalmer117 I apologize for this, but there were some mistakes in the chapter, I will upload it again shortly


@ArnoldPalmer117 yeah me too . I cant open it ?


Hello everyone, 
          I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to take a moment to apologize for the delay in this announcement. I've been quite busy the past few days and wasn't able to post this sooner.
          I'm sure some, if not all of you, may have already noticed, but unfortunately, I won't be posting a new chapter today. I know it's disappointing, and for that, I am truly sorry.
          However, on a positive note, I wanted to let you all know that I have finished planning out the upcoming arc. I had a lot of ideas to choose from, but I carefully selected the path that I believe will be the most engaging for all of you. I really hope you like it.
          Thank you all for your understanding and support. I promise to make it up to you all soon. 
          Until next time, take care.


Take your time, the effort you put in is shown in your writing. You got this 


Why would we be disappointed? Life is a female dog and likes to screw up everyone’s day. If you need a couple more days or a week that’s fine as long as you don’t disappear without any warning. Plus your writing is really good


Hey guys!
          First of all, a super duper Happy New Year to all of you! I hope you're all having an absolutely amazing start to the year.
          So, here's the deal. I have some not-so-great news to share. I won't be able to release a new chapter this week, and I'm really sorry about that. I know, it's a total bummer. But hey, don't you worry I'll make it up to you real soon.
          Here's the scoop: I actually have these dreaded exams coming up in just two days, and would you believe it, I totally forgot about them until three days ago! Can you say major neglect on my part? Oopsie! But hey, on the bright side, these exams will be over in a jiffy, and that means you can definitely expect a new chapter next week, on the 12th of Jan. And hey, if everything goes according to plan, there might even be not one, but two chapters for you to devour!
          Hang in there, my friends! I'll catch up with y'all real soon!


             Happy New year to you too 
            And All the ver best for the examinations.


@Tempest_king_20 Good luck with the exams


@Tempest_king_20 yep, it's fine, you should focus on your exams so goodluck


Hi Author I like your fanfic alot it's really interesting. I'd like to ask if you can write a fanfic About Rimuru in Rebuild world?     I recently read a fanfic on wattpad called Rimuru x rebuild world and it was a really good story and interesting but I didn't quite like how author described Rimuru's caracter so I wanted to ask someone to write better and longer version of it.
          I've got the ideas and outline of the story 
          If you can't write it can you help find someone who can?
          Thanks in advance 


@Tim5628 Thanks for that, I'll wait for your reply then


@Tim5628 Well, I don't know if I can do it or not. Especially since I only read a little of the 'Rebuild world'.
            I will take your request into consideration when I make a new story, but as of now, I'm not thinking about doing any new fanfic.
            I'll see if any of my buddies can do it


Author, have you read or watched The Rising of the Shield Hero?


@Ivansal Right now I'm not thinking about writing another crossover. Maybe after I finish the crossover I'm working on, I will do that, But this is only a possibility


@Tempest_king_20 Will you ever write a crossover between TENSURA and Shield Hero?