
As everyone knows (I think), Wattpad has removed it's feature allowing you to message other writers/readers directly.  I have made a countless amount of friends on Wattpad, thanks to being able to direct message others.  I am quite sad about this change.  
          	I also have fallen out of love with writing.  Due to trauma that I endured throughout my childhood, I embraced writing and reading to help me survive.  Now that I'm in a healthier environment, the words don't flow anymore.  Almost like the ink dried up.  
          	Part of it is the feeling of never being able to be a good writer.  I compare myself way too much and it has always been an issue.   Maybe things will change at some point and I will love writing again. 
          	For these reasons, I will be spending even less time on Wattpad, the only reason I'll be somewhat around is to finish one more book that is in progress.  
          	I will take down one of my books, Eternal Mistake, before I go.  All the others will stay up.   
          	If anyone wants a friend or to talk, you can reach me on Discord or by email.  
          	My Discord username: audimarie 
          	And my email is: 
          	Thank you to everyone who has been a friend to me from here.  I am planning on making a memory wall out of my about info for those I got especially close to.  
          	Please feel free to reach out and I will announce if and when I return or write something new.


As everyone knows (I think), Wattpad has removed it's feature allowing you to message other writers/readers directly.  I have made a countless amount of friends on Wattpad, thanks to being able to direct message others.  I am quite sad about this change.  
          I also have fallen out of love with writing.  Due to trauma that I endured throughout my childhood, I embraced writing and reading to help me survive.  Now that I'm in a healthier environment, the words don't flow anymore.  Almost like the ink dried up.  
          Part of it is the feeling of never being able to be a good writer.  I compare myself way too much and it has always been an issue.   Maybe things will change at some point and I will love writing again. 
          For these reasons, I will be spending even less time on Wattpad, the only reason I'll be somewhat around is to finish one more book that is in progress.  
          I will take down one of my books, Eternal Mistake, before I go.  All the others will stay up.   
          If anyone wants a friend or to talk, you can reach me on Discord or by email.  
          My Discord username: audimarie 
          And my email is: 
          Thank you to everyone who has been a friend to me from here.  I am planning on making a memory wall out of my about info for those I got especially close to.  
          Please feel free to reach out and I will announce if and when I return or write something new.


So I did decide to start the slow and agonizing process of editing and rewriting Destroyed By Words but I know that it is going to need to be reworked completely if I ever will be proud of it.  
          However I have decided that I am just going to edit and sew up some plot holes and not change too much about the story.  Too much messing with the storyline may make the whole thing fall apart I feel like. 
          My editing of the book will be slow and I am trying to find what to write for with Eternal Mistake.  It's a difficult book for me to write because I started writing it in such a dark place and I can't write it in order it feels like.


Should I
          A. Start the slow and agonizing process of editing Destroyed By Words
          B. Start writing Saving Lila again
          C. Start writing Eternal Mistake again 
          D. Give up and just read


@ThatBrokenGirl18 I would read any of those ngl…


@daissydarling Great.  I am in the process of rewriting/editing the first chapter.


@ThatBrokenGirl18 C! i would also reread Destroyed by Words if you did edit it.


this message may be offensive
Incase you’ve ever wondered why I don’t update that much anymore, there’s a lot of reasons. 
          Someone just added Destroyed By Words to a reading list called “Shit Books”
          I also work full time now. 
          But mainly because I hate my writing and some of my readers aren’t helping.


@ThatBrokenGirl18 i just got done reading Destroyed By Words and Healed By Words. i honestly loved both books and your writing is really good. you're a great writer! don't let other peoples negative opinions stop you from enjoying writing. i also have had one of my books get put into a reading list like that so i understand how it feels.


Okay guys. I have an exam this Friday so if I pass this attempt then I’ll start writing again (hopefully). Shits been crazy and I’m sorry. For anyone who I’ve disappointed by not updating I promise it’s coming.  If anyone wants me to continue Saving Lila comment now. If not I’ll be taking it down.


Okay. I know my first two books are trash.  I get it, okay. I don’t understand why people feel the need to put them in reading lists titled “not any good”. It’s not that hard to find a code name.  Anyways moving out in a few days. Super stoked.