
Hey there, my lovely cupcakes! 
          	It's been a while since we last spoke. Recently, I have been busy studying and writing on a different online platform.
          	It's nothing related to FORTHBEAM or 2MOONS, though. I decided to write a fanfiction based on my second most favourite KPOP group, Stray Kids, as my all-time favourite group, GOT7, holds the first spot in my heart. 
          	I finally completed the Stray Kids fanfic yesterday on the other platform. "I am considering sharing it with everyone by reposting it on Wattpad."However, I'm not sure if anyone is interested in it. So, if you're interested in reading it, let me know in the comment section below. 
          	I'm excited to hear your thoughts on this and looking forward to your comments. And if none of you are interested, that's okay, too. I'll move on with my usual routine. Thanks for listening.


@Thibha16 Hey there, author. Hope you are having a great day ahead. I'm interested in reading your new Stray Kids fanfiction. Hope you'll repost in Wattpad. Bye~


Hey there, my lovely cupcakes! 
          It's been a while since we last spoke. Recently, I have been busy studying and writing on a different online platform.
          It's nothing related to FORTHBEAM or 2MOONS, though. I decided to write a fanfiction based on my second most favourite KPOP group, Stray Kids, as my all-time favourite group, GOT7, holds the first spot in my heart. 
          I finally completed the Stray Kids fanfic yesterday on the other platform. "I am considering sharing it with everyone by reposting it on Wattpad."However, I'm not sure if anyone is interested in it. So, if you're interested in reading it, let me know in the comment section below. 
          I'm excited to hear your thoughts on this and looking forward to your comments. And if none of you are interested, that's okay, too. I'll move on with my usual routine. Thanks for listening.


@Thibha16 Hey there, author. Hope you are having a great day ahead. I'm interested in reading your new Stray Kids fanfiction. Hope you'll repost in Wattpad. Bye~


Hye, cupcakes.
          Long time no see. I hope all my lovely readers are mentally and physically hydrated and healthy.
          I have been some very angsty fanfictions in A03. Don't take me wrong, I love to read angst stories, but the story I recently finished left me hollow. 
          It's too deep, and the way the author has written it makes me sad and upset for the characters.
          And I want to hug a pillow and cry for no reason. 
          Okay, enough of me rambling. Have a nice day, my cupcakes.


It's not selfish to want to live by Candy_Kpop_Simper. 
            It's in A03. 
            I'm glad that she had part 2, and it's going well after the first 5 chapters.
            *ps. Please don't read if you aren't mentally ready for that much angst.


@Thibha16 what is that story name 


Thank you for your ForthBeam stories. Finally, I found stories where Forth was worthy enough for beam to chase. I mean, Beam was the one who realized how important Forth for him and chased after Forth. In other stories, Forth was always the bad one, the idiotic unworthy man for Beam. But your stories did the justice. Their love was equal, they maintained this relationship together, built it with understanding, honesty, and protecting each other. I can't wait for your next project. You're a talented writer with good point of view, flawless writing style, and incridible plot idea. 
          Honestly, Forth and Tae are my favorite. So, I'm a little uncomfortable with the story who sided with Beam too much and make Forth look like a fool. No offenced tho, it's just a preference. Anyway, keep going na!!! You already become one of my favorite writers in wattpad.


@AyuTriEka, Owh, thank you so much. Your words make me feel so happy. Thank you for your interest in my stories. 


Hei.....can I know which is your next stort


'Forever with you' is my latest story. After this, I'll focus on 'Interesting twists in my life'. The other stories I wrote before were 'Forever with you'. You may find them on my page. Thank you for your interest 


I mean story


Totally agreed on what u said in A/N recently...... We should respect their private life. As we r happy with their on-screen pairing, that doesn't mean that we can expect to be it their personal preferences or force them to be with each other in real life. Thx for sharing ur thoughts ...


@MadhaviMarathe Thank you too. People are getting too toxic to the point they don't think before stating a point. 
            I just wish for my boys to be happy and healthy always. I'm gonna support them even if they're not together. I respect them both as a pair and as individuals. 
            Let's wish for the best. 


I seriously need some angst mewgulf or forthbeam fanfics to cry my eyes out. Suppose anybody has any good suggestion. Please mention this in the comment session.


@SenethmaSamarasinghe thank you for the good suggestion. I've read it before. But it's worth re-reading.


@Thibha16 do me by jungjoonyoung5555


@Thibha16 and thanks for following me back : )


Dear cupcakes, 
          I've published my new story here. 
          It is one of my old stories, which I published on another platform. 
          I hope you guys give the same support you have given me for my BL stories. 
          This story is precious to me because this story has so many similarities to my life. 
          I hope you guys stay with me still until the very end. 
          Thank you so much, my dearies.


Have you ever had too much of ghosts in your head that you had to play songs or videos to entertain them? So that you could finally do what you're supposed to do without a voice behind your head disturbing or belittling you?
          Have you ever had parents who always wait for the chance to mention your shortcomings and make you feel more depressed and tense than you already are?
          Maybe it's normal, maybe it's not. 
          Maybe life is just testing you. 
          What would you do if it only tested you continuously without feedback or rewards?
          Do you question it back or live it as it is?
           #couldbeaspoiler #couldberealstory #couldbestoryofmylife