
Hey everyone! 
          	So, I think I may have jinx'd myself a few months ago when I posted about getting back into things. Following that I had several things go down, starting with a family member in the hospital and ending with my own health issues. 
          	I'm going to try to get back into writing, but I don't think it'll be possible until after I've finished the blood testing the doctor's are likely going to do, seeing as my skin currently doesn't really like touching things and my fingers ache if I type for too long, to put it mildly.  Once they've figured out what is going on, I should be free to take the steroids they've given me, but until then I get to wait and see what autoimmune disorder my body has decided to conjure up since the steroids would interfere with some of the bloodwork. 
          	Sorry again for the wait! 
          	<3 - Kat


@UnboundWings oh no take care!!! hope everything is alright 


Hey everyone! 
          So, I think I may have jinx'd myself a few months ago when I posted about getting back into things. Following that I had several things go down, starting with a family member in the hospital and ending with my own health issues. 
          I'm going to try to get back into writing, but I don't think it'll be possible until after I've finished the blood testing the doctor's are likely going to do, seeing as my skin currently doesn't really like touching things and my fingers ache if I type for too long, to put it mildly.  Once they've figured out what is going on, I should be free to take the steroids they've given me, but until then I get to wait and see what autoimmune disorder my body has decided to conjure up since the steroids would interfere with some of the bloodwork. 
          Sorry again for the wait! 
          <3 - Kat


@UnboundWings oh no take care!!! hope everything is alright 


Do you know when you will be updating Mermaid Tear and Heartless?


@1056557BE I'm working on figuring that out! I've had some IRL health events go down, so I haven't been able to write as I want. I am going to try and see if I can work on getting myself back into everything next weekend, however, and try to update next week if that's possible.


So, after a long time of consideration, I've come to the decision that given the extended period of time since I last worked on the series, how complicated the series was, and how much my writing has changed and how much the plot and world building has changed since I started, I think I'm going to work on a rewrite for Siren Song in order to get myself back into writing. 
          This isn't to say that I won't work on Mermaid Tear, because once I'm back in the swing of things I will, but I will probably be posting more for the rewrite than I will for the current work. Still, even a lil bit is more than I *have* been writing, so....baby steps? 
          Just because of how many changes I intend to make, the rewrite is going to be posted in a different collection. I'll put a tag on it stating that it's the 2024 version of the book!  <3 Thanks. Look forward to it coming out sometime in the next month.


@UnboundWings that is a long time! Lol I'm gonna have to go read the version I have saved before so I can compare. ❤️


@FallBreeze01 Thanks!! I figured the writing would be better when I had things managed, so I'm glad for all the patience you've shown. I hope that you enjoy what I'm working on! I'm hoping to detangle some of the pointless subplots I had in the earlier books, expand on the world building, and make some of the characters better reflect whom they are now from my plans for them when i first started this series (it's been almost 7 years dear god).


@FallBreeze01 I've been trying to get a handle on my mental health recently, which meant a lot of irl dealings. But! It seems to be settling down recently (probably) so I'm going to try and get back into things. 
            <3 <3 <3  I always look forward to your support and hope you had a good Christmas as well!


So, I swear I crafted a message a month or so ago about how I was taking a short break because of the COA exam I was taking IRL. But, looking at this page, I didn't. So, apologies on that. 
          But, in good news, I'm certified!! The only stress left that's making focusing difficult currently is the fact I'm moving across several states in...2 months? 
          I have a half finished chapter for both Heartless and Mermaid Tear. I'm going to try to work on something for Legacy of Bones as well. I admittedly sorta lost steam for it when it didn't make it past the first round of ONC. Regardless, though, I'll try to update everything this weekend! Look forward to it. 
          And...I'll try to remember to update you guys on when my moving break will be instead of just disappearing for a few weeks.


@Han_Banana21 Okay!! I'm glad I'm not alone in imagining this, lmfao. I'm just staring at the time stamps on this page and am just. So confused.


@UnboundWings i feel like wattpad must've glitched it away because i swear i remember you posting something too lol


also, you have the mind of a mastermind. genuinely you managed to make every person who read siren song feel different emotions, i could tell from the comments. hats off to you


            Omg thank you so much. That's so good to hear. <3 <3 <3


hey, was just wondering if you are still in the process of editing siren song? i’d love to talk more and share little tidbits i think would help the story and such. author is god i know i know but i couldn’t help getting really invested in the story, and given my lack of attention span to write my own book this would make me feel so much better


            I've taken a break on editing it for now so that I could finish up Mermaid Tear, first! Mostly because I kept creating new plot holes and coming up with new ideas as I was writing, so editing at this point would be a constant process of going back and changing details. There are also just so many plots I want to trim from book one and rearrange. 
            Thank you, though, for wanting to talk about the book! You're always welcome to do so. It's exciting to hear you're invested in the book enough to want to! <3


If you guys missed it, I posted my ONC yesterday, A Legacy of Bones. It's a novella set in the same world as the one I wrote last year, but can be read independently. It has less of a political vibe, or at least is planned to, and more of an adventure, but still contains potential romance! 
          The cover is amazing and was made by @deathinreverie . Check them out if you love it as much as I do! 


@ UnboundWings  the cover is amazing and the story sounds so cool too! I qould surely check it out! I wish u Best of luck in the ONC! ♡