
New part of my book CROSS is out "Christano's Arrival" 
          	Past finally knocks down at Olivia's door. 
          	So what are you waiting for? See the chapter and unlock her door. 


          Now post this on everyone's wall who you think deserves all the love in the world
          If you get...
          1 back = You're loved
          3 back = You're popular
          5 back = You're one of the most lovable people out there
          9+ back = Wow, I'm jealous
          And this message counts for one, so it's impossible to get 0
          Don't break this chain unless of course you want to. It's not really a free world, but hopefully this choice is free :)


Hiii guys! My Lifeline- Dramione is under edit. Will be enriching your experience of reading my book by adding pictures, gifs and by eradicating any minor errors in the book. 
          I have re-written almost all the parts again in a more beautiful and entralling manner. After the edit, would request you all to start reading from the beginning. 
          Will require your support for the same. 


@Clexa4Life56 Heyy. To be honest, I don't know when I'll be able to update my next chapter. Working hours plus studies are making it extremely difficult to update. Plus it's been quite a long time, since I last updated. So once I start, I wish to start in full flow. But I'll try my best and see if I can update one chapter atleast within a week or two, daily. 
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@Vincetamor when do u think its possible for you to give your readers an update on my lifeline 
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Hello readers!!! 
          I have been inactive for quite few months, but I have a good news. Starting since 20th April, I shall start updating "My lifeline - Dramione" And "Love:  A poison" every alternate day... 
          Finally my final exams are getting over... So I can dedicate most of my time in writing.... 
          I'm thankful to all my readers, for their patience and encouragement... 
          And special thanks to my friend Shruti, who always believed in my writing and kept encouraging even at my lowest point in life.... 
          Thank you once again for your support.... 
          (PS:  My lifeline- Dramione needs some major editing with grammatical errors and white spacing, since I update from phone it has lead to such problems...  
          So it might take some time to correct all past flaws..)