
If it's still possible and anyone would be so inclined to do so, I'd really appreciate having one (or more) of my fics nominated for the AaML Watties.
          	Please and thank you! 


@Warlordess I've given two of your books


Whoa! look who it is, my favourite writer on FFN ! I never thought I'd see you in wattpad !! I'm such a crazy fan of your stories I love them the most


I'm just one of them


Not one there are many people who love your stories out there in those websites you posted your stories


@Evafireswordlove, hmm? Why would you never expect to see me here? I'm just trying to post my stuff wherever I can and get as much exposure as possible. ^^ ;; Glad someone likes my works enough after all this time to call me their "favorite writer", even if it's only on one website.


[repost] So I have a question. Back when I first joined Wattpad, I started following a Pokeshipping Watties account. It looks like the person who was running it has gone MIA though... Would it be inappropriate to create a replacement Pokeshipping Watties account? I see that a fair number of people have tried reaching out to the user who'd started it but to no avail. I think it'd stir up some new/renewed talent if we had an active awards/competition thing going on though.


@Warlordess That would be great, Because I know alot of us who are willing to join up. :)


Anyone know how to give my Pokeshipping fanfics more exposure on this site? I see others are really popular and I wonder if there's a trick to that. Thanks!


@nadimali2005 Except I wouldn't know who my readers are unless they comment on/vote up the fic, which not everyone does. And other than replying to peoples' comments on my fics, how do I interact with them? Is there a general method to use?
            On FFN, I didn't really do anything. I just posted fics. I used to respond back in the very beginning (like when I was 11-13 years old) but it didn't do me much good. Now I only respond to the unoccasional long, detailed, potentially critical review so I can ask for more perspective and give my thanks. But again, that doesn't happen all that often.


@nadimali2005 I'm... famous? I don't think so. I've been around forever but that doesn't make me famous. I hardly get views/faves/reviews on my fics, especially nowadays.


@Warlordess There are many Pokrshipping writers who don't get a deserved Response. So, a shout out book, is like,  you give your name, your story theme etc. And you'll get a shout out, and more people will read the book, and youll get a better response.
             I dont really know if this idea will work. I hope that it should, because talking about myself,  I'm not a famous writer on any site. So I have counted number if response.