
I wanna write a villain of a magic setting who's kind of an average joe, and the only reason he hasn't died yet is because he's living out of sheer spite. How could I write this type of villain without it feeling gimmicky?


@ Blitzpaw so basically look for a good (scientific) reason they are still alive, and if you can implement that.
            It kind of depends on how many times you want them to come back, but I'd just search for a reasonable cause of their survival.
            Maybe don't do it too often, because if it's overused, then it soon becomes gimmicky I think


@Blitzpaw I have to say that this is a very interesting concept!
            it probably is difficult to do this without it being gimmicky, but maybe you could try to give them permanent concequences. (I don´t know what world this is set in, so I´ll give just a few examples)
            maybe a bullet to the head went straight through, they survived (If I remember correctly there have been cases of this), but a part of their brain got permanently damaged (Maybe they don´t feel pain anymore, or they lost their eyesight) 
            an arrow close to the heart was removed, but the tip couldn´t be retrieved and they have physical pain that makes it impossible for the to do their usual style of fighting, so they have to change their tactics.
            a limb got removed and they are out of the picture for like two years or more, building a prosthetic as best they can, that still isn´t perfect, or maybe just crutches (and don´t forget about phantom pain).
            you can always add (depending on your level of magic/Sci-fi elements) new powers, if you take strengths they preveously had away from them.
            !!! with that being said, I strongly reccomend doing research about these cases in which fatal wounds were survived, because some sort of realism is definitely good in these instances, and what concequences these injuries have !!!
            also always give them time to recover, and heal especially, because really, they should´ve died long ago. they just are incredibly lucky.
            But yeah, that´s all I can think of at the moment, I hope you can work with that. 
            also their drive to survive probably is to get back at those who have wounded them.
            So good luck writing them, and if you have further questions you can always message me :)


Hi! Are you interested in reviewing a bl romance book? I would appreciate any comment, whether harsh or a compliment. I do need to improve as a writer. Thank you so much and a blessed day ahead of you!


@Harmoniculus I really thank you for even giving me the time of your day! I'll appreciate anything you post in the comments. Thanks again!!


@Harmoniculus I won´t have much time to do so in the next week since I´m out of town, but I think I can do at least the first chapter. romance is not what I usually read, but I can give it a try. should I leave comments directly on the chapter, send it to you here or in the DMs?


Hi there.. I humbly request you to read my book, and give your valuable thoughts on it. I am sharing the link below.
          Thank you so much. I hope you have a great day ahead!!!


@Delusion308 ok so maybe that sounded a little rude, sorry for that. I already read the first chapter, and have my commentary ready, and I´d like to know where I can share it with you. Since I´m away the next week I won´t really be able to do the rest, but I´ll do so as soon as I can, but I still can´t guarantee that I do the entire thing. 
            I hope I was able to clear things a little, and yeah.
            Enjoy your next 24 hours! :D


@ Delusion308  I can do that, but I have to make two things clear. First: I won't read any further than what i can take. If I don't like it, I won't do more than the first chapter.
            Second: IF i do the entire thing it will take a while since I'm out of town for the next week. Also do you want me do give my opinion in commts directly in your book? Or send it to you here or in the DMs?
            Enjoy your next 24 hours!