
Hi everyone, 
          	I know I have been gone for a good while, and I would like to apologise to those who were eagerly waiting all these months for updates. My sincere apologies but I had very little energy as most of it went into sorting out the house I bought last December and only found now the focus and attention to write a chapter of HIS. 
          	So without further ado, here it is, I hope you enjoy it:


@ jrzy79 Thank you!


Hi everyone, 
          I know I have been gone for a good while, and I would like to apologise to those who were eagerly waiting all these months for updates. My sincere apologies but I had very little energy as most of it went into sorting out the house I bought last December and only found now the focus and attention to write a chapter of HIS. 
          So without further ado, here it is, I hope you enjoy it:


@ jrzy79 Thank you!


Hellooo I hope u r doing great, this is a story that I'm writing, I'm a new writer. This is a story abt  girl who falls in love with a mysterious boy, u might like it, I hope u check it out, I would love to have your feedback, thankyou have a good time ahead.


          It Has been awhile since I published anything.... I sincerely apologise to all the readers patiently awaiting updates on my stories. I managed to Update HIS
          Link: https://www.wattpad.com/1327601246-his-bxb-rewitten-version-slow-updates-chapter-12
          And I hope to update something else in the coming weeks before the holiday madness begins.
          I am also moving house in 13 days so I hope to have some time and sit down to write dome more.
          Again, thanks for waiting patiently and enjoy the update!


In the end, I succumbed to the desire to post the prologue of the third book in the Four Seasons Series: A Barren Winter. Belinda's story. Please give it a read and let me know what you think!
          Link: https://www.wattpad.com/1303452872-a-barren-winter-prologue-belinda
          This is regardless of the other ongoing stories that might need an update.
          I hope to update some of my other stories soon too, especially HIS.


          I am sure you all have seen the new cover of A Summer To Never Forget, and the new chapter. It is not a New chapter, it is purely a page to showcase the AMAZING Original cover made by Colouredchrome back in 2014. 
          The reason was because I wanted a series logo added to the cover but I couldn't manage it and made a new one instead. So expect more updates on covers of the Four Seasons Series as I am on a roll now.


Despite my better judgement and sense, I have already finished the prologue and first chapter of A Barren Winter, the third book in the Four Seasons series. This is about Belinda and Riley. So I might upload it sometime today or tomorrow. The long time no writing is being shaken off and the story is demanded to be heard.
          Regardless of the other ongoing stories.


Well... this is the second time a book of mine has disappeared. 
          I dunno what is going on but this really wants me to stop this thing altogether. 
          However I feel bad of stopping in the middle of a story and the fact I have so many more stories to share, so I will only update ANY of my ongoing stories that have NOT YET disappeared.
          I will see about the other stories that have disappeared.


It’s been happening for a lot of people lately. Have to admit I honestly think people just need to leave other people’s stuff alone if they don’t like it. I’ve been a long time fan of a few people here, you being one, and that’s mainly why I’ve stayed but here lately I’ve found a lot of my favorites leaving and either going for publishing’s and or finding another site. I’m loyal to whoever decides to do whatever but it’s getting bad for the authors who write on here. 


@ Mousewriter88  i just dont get the point... if you dont like my stories leave them alone and go away. No need to get me annoyed with the behavoir or make stop updating alltogether. But I think some people need to annoy others just to feel like they mean something


Oh no, it's happening .. again! 2 years ago,  I was warned about photos being too racy. Fine - changed them. Then got some emails stating certain chapters that they said were in violation. I received no DM stating they had emailed me. I got suck and couldn't adjust my story in time. Then, my entire profile disappeared - 9 stories, 2 of which were award winning , 2.2k followers... EVERYTHING. I'm pretty sure someone reported me, but it was not that  all my stories were inappropriate since I had marked the more adult ones as mature. Before the incident, someone had deliberately used my profile page to promote their own story. I called the person out both in DM and on my page. Guess that person didn't like it ...which is why I am keeping a low profile and only have two stories on my page with one completed book and another in the works. But....I have totally lost my inspiration to continue to write on this site which is why the other book has not been updated in a very long time 