
Hi. I have just finished reading Silenced, what an amazing story. I wanted to let you know I have seen this story advertised on the app NovelWorld with the title Allie. 


@VictoriaPoole0 it's still on their app.. I became suspicious at how well written it was and tried to find the author only to see it wasn't credited


Will the game ever been republished?


@squiiiids unfortunately I do not plan on republishing The Game on Wattpad but I do plan to eventually publish it in a more official capacity.


Is there going to be a part 3 for Silenced cause I read 1&2 in less than my usual time. They were really good. I got mad at "Rylan" at 1 point then remembered she was a fictional character ‍♀️.


@SuaneleeHudson Silas and Rylan have ended their story but they'll reappear in some of the side characters stories later on. Thank you for reading!


I just binged Silenced and Sovereign. I absolutely could not put them down. I would read at traffic lights, stop signs if no one was behind me, at work, in the evening, in bed until my eyes could not stay open and dropped my phone since I fell asleep reading, etc.  I am so totally addicted. Please let us know if you change venues for your work or what the title is for book three or even if you are taking a break from Silas and Rylan’s world while they gather for war. I know sometimes characters stop talking to their storyteller, especially if they are preparing for something big. We just ask that you let us know when they are ready to let us catch up with King Theo. 


@pbakasha I will absolutely let you know when and where another book comes out for the silenced universe. Thank you so much for reading! I'm delighted that you liked it so much (: