
Let’s bring back books into our lives, shall we?  While there’s so many other forms of entertainment: tv, socmed, and more, I find that I can most empathize with book characters than in any other medium because we’re actually in their heads. Luckily, I got my sh!t together again. Wink wink. How are you? I’ve missed you.


@YurikoHime I've missed you too! Your work has a special place in my heart. Welcome back!


@YurikoHime Yes! I've been waiting for you Miss Hime. I've always been your fan since 2017. And look! It's already 2023 




Hey there! Author, 
          Hope you are doing well, let me cut to chase and tell you that all your works are outstanding and I'm almost so close to reading your entire work here...
          I'm really hoping that you will update n finish the book "Kissed by a Goddess". I'm in love with the book and waiting for your magical work to drop in! 
          Have a good day!


Hi there author. 
          I read your book back when i was 16! 
          Absolutely loved starstruck and fell in love with Dulce and Glace! 
          Now I'm 24 and graduated haha 
          Just remembered about the story and thought of dropping ya a text 


hi there! i discovered your books in 2016 when i was still in primary school & your writing helped me come to terms with my sexuality/realising that i like women! thank you so much for your amazing gift of words :)


Used to read your books years ago. Middle school, well, I'm 20 now, haha. I'll still say that the book on DID is my favorite. I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder a few months ago. How everything just falls into place..
          Thank you for acknowledging my comments on your story so often. A sense of connection in communication that is hard to find now.


@MC_Reads Thank you, I am.


My God, middle school? That’s a long time ago. Thanks for staying, and I hope you’re managing your condition. 