
Hey guys! 
          	So I’ve recently started up a new account that goes by __fxrnweh
          	There’s nothing posted on there yet, and I’m working on it, but this account is strictly for my original stories that either I’ve come up with on my own or stories I have done with a friend. It’s going to be my account where I’m never going to rush a story, it’ll update in its own time!
          	Here’s what my new account will offer:
          	~ Original Stories
          	~ My artwork
          	~ Original versions of stories I’ve written and never posted.
          	~ Story notes.
          	~ Character notes.
          	If you’d like to go and support me, once again the account name is __fxrnweh (Thats two underscores and no caps!)
          	See you there!


Hey guys! 
          So I’ve recently started up a new account that goes by __fxrnweh
          There’s nothing posted on there yet, and I’m working on it, but this account is strictly for my original stories that either I’ve come up with on my own or stories I have done with a friend. It’s going to be my account where I’m never going to rush a story, it’ll update in its own time!
          Here’s what my new account will offer:
          ~ Original Stories
          ~ My artwork
          ~ Original versions of stories I’ve written and never posted.
          ~ Story notes.
          ~ Character notes.
          If you’d like to go and support me, once again the account name is __fxrnweh (Thats two underscores and no caps!)
          See you there!


Hey! Today is the first day of pride month! Isn’t that exciting? I know I woke up with a big ol smile on my face!
          Unfortunately the pride parade and celebrations have been canceled here where I live, so it’s put a slight damper on my day haha.
          Anyway! I hope you all have a absolutely wonderful pride month!
          Love, Dreamer


Hey everyone! I’ve started posting my art on Instagram again..! (Since I’ve figured out what hashtags do... Yikes for me.)
          I’m planning to open commissions soon and make it my career!
          If you’d like to check out what I do, my user is ione.designs
          It would be so awesome to see you guys over there! Love you all.


So is anyone else going nuts? My state has been in quarantine for awhile and I’ve never missed going to school this much. I have one friend there I never get to see and he won’t heckin talk to me on his own.. Then I’m having trouble with friends and just wanna talk to my favorite person and he won’t even answer my texts and AAAAAAAHHHHHHH... I NEED LOVE AND EFFECTIOOOOOOON.. My frens save meh ;—;
          How are you guys doing though? Staying safe and well I hope..! <3


I’m happy you are all doing well. That really helps knowing I’m not the only one going insane. ^^


            Oh and I hope you're doing well too! Lifes been decent over her in the midwest, except some nursing homes have been recently infected which sucks


            Honestly me too but the difference is, is that me and my friends have an unspoken rule of not talking to eachother outside of school (We're all introverted and need the alone time) but I'm going crazy bc I'm low-key ambiverted so I need attention too :/


bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
Does anyone else get super annoyed when you go through the trouble of posting a picture of a room or outfit only to have readers go in and change it to their preferences? Idk.. I personally don’t give a flying fuck what your preference of colors is.. My book, my colors and style.


I understand why you'd feel this way, but no matter what you do people are still gonna complain :^(


this message may be offensive
@LunaBakugo121 lol that’s very true.. It’s so aggravating.. Pink is my favorite fucking color quit hatinggggg you edgies.. (idk XD)


            Honestly it's to the point where so many people are "Edgy" with liking black that the new edgy is liking pink. I get it when there's comments like "Oh this (style of bedframe I didn't know existed) would go better with the softness of the room" compared to "Ok so everything that's (bright color) is black" then try to argue what they just said was criticism, like no Katy, you're just ruining an aestheticly pleasing picture for me


I don’t know if anyone else is getting these, but I keep getting offers from this app called Dreame (Dreamie?) and it’s starting to really get on my nerves..
          I don’t know how to get the message to them that I’m not interested in posting my work on their app, I’m hardly ever posting on this one anymore anyways.. (which I’m so sorry for I just lack motivation lol).
          And I don’t even know if I’d do well on other platforms, as all I’ve ever written is fan fictions; because literally no one is interested in the other stories I write and work on.. All of my OG stories have been a flop and have been unpublished so I can re-do them eventually. It’s not as simple..
          Plus wattpad is just kinda better anyways.. More people know about it and stuff. I guess what I’m trying to say is...
          DREAME QUIT SENDING ME STUFF!! I don’t wanna T^T


I want to take the time to thank all of you for reading my stories and being ever so kind and lovely.
          This account has officially hit 4 years on this platform and I cannot thank you all enough. I’ve taken a step back from writing as I want to put out quality chapters and such.. I know most of you won’t see this, but know I appreciate everything.
          Merry Christmas to you all!


@ __MissDreamer  Merry Christmas 