
Ch-8 of hps is published. Vote and comment and complete the goals to unlock the next chapter asap. 
          	I just published "8|she is... precious! " of my story "His professional stalker || jk × reader". https://www.wattpad.com/1451347728?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=_bangwoolfics_


@_bangwoolfics_ Babygirl, i hope that the heavens and the earth give you everything that you ask for but do  I seriously have to go through hell to wait for HPS? 


For understanding the storyline of DMK do we first have to read DPJ?? 


@Riddima_Gupta_0130 not necessarily. In DPJ there is just a brief description of their relationship at some instances and in DMK those instances are explained and elaborated, so you can read DMK directly. 


Ch-8 of hps is published. Vote and comment and complete the goals to unlock the next chapter asap. 
          I just published "8|she is... precious! " of my story "His professional stalker || jk × reader". https://www.wattpad.com/1451347728?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=_bangwoolfics_


@_bangwoolfics_ Babygirl, i hope that the heavens and the earth give you everything that you ask for but do  I seriously have to go through hell to wait for HPS? 


The story "Dear professor jeon" is really awesome, and now it feels like I would have explored your profile before and would've read the story  , I mean, I know I should be having  patience to read a masterpiece... Please author post the next chapter...pls


Ch-15 of DPJ is up! 
          I could post early due to some personal issues and I won't be that active as well for a week. I'll try to upload the next chapter as soon as the goal gets completed and about hps I'll be posting the next chapter before midnight. 
          Vote and drop your comments!