
Peace out guys! Love you so much! 


Please come back! This is just practice for that multi-platinum award winning book that's gonna be sold out in every shop around the UK and the USA and you never know maybe even Japan or France! But you need the practice..your loved by many and many need to read books, wild imaginations go far...and I can tell you yours is going straight to the book shelves! 
          	  Lots of love Cait xox


Peace out guys! Love you so much! 


Please come back! This is just practice for that multi-platinum award winning book that's gonna be sold out in every shop around the UK and the USA and you never know maybe even Japan or France! But you need the practice..your loved by many and many need to read books, wild imaginations go far...and I can tell you yours is going straight to the book shelves! 
            Lots of love Cait xox


Hey guys. It's been a long time, I know. But I realized at the beginning of 2015, I spent way too much time on wattpad and I've decided to back off a bit. I don't know if or when I will finish my books. I have no desire to anymore. Im living more in the moments of the real world than this website/app. I love you guys and I'm sorry if I let anyone down. Idk when I will be back on here but if I don't, remember my name (Mackenzie Higgins) because I might write a real book one day :) thanks for the support and love. You rock!!


Well I would like to finish ur sequel to "I have another child" because j was all into it and now I didn't get to finish it. Ya u let me down I just finished it and now I'm very angry to realize haven't updated in over 2 years!!!!


I absolutely love your story "I Have Another Child?!" It is a very entertaining book. And more realistic than most of the books I read. I love your way of thinking and that you don't make them seem like couples in fairytales. I also love how you are planning out the book's plot it's very original and I like that! I also like how it's funny,sad, and entertaining!