
i have been on wattpad for ten years. an entire DECADE. since i was 15 years old and ive never experienced harassment like this. and what is particularly sad for me is the character and story im receiving these threats over. being told im going to be killed, that my grandma needs to watch out (mind you, both my grandmas have been dead for years) threatening my friends, my family. over fiction??? 
          	let me tell you guys a story. the reason i started writing in the first place. 
          	when i accidentally stumbled upon vampire diaries for the first time (scrolling through TV looking for something to watch) i was all in. while watching i started to think to myself “i wonder what this show would be like if Stefan and Damon had a sister.” so I wrote it, and Skyler was born. 
          	Skyler Salvatore is my first OC, basically my first child. She started ALL of this for me. I never expected her story to get as popular as it is. I never expected my writing to get as popular as it did. Ages 15-16 were really hard for me. I was depressed af, suicidal, and numb to everything. the only thing that made me feel normal, that made me feel better was writing Skyler’s story. She pulled me through one of the darkest points of my life. 
          	All of my OC’s end up with their endgames, even if they go through hell and back to get there. I have rewritten Skyler’s story endless times to give her the ending that she deserves (and then the show just had to kill Klaus… spoiler), I love all my readers and I love that you guys love Skyler. But trust me, nobody loves her more than me. Creating her saved me from myself. I know my story, I know my character, and if anybody take issues with anything that I write, you’re free to not read. 
          	I write for myself, I choose to share it in the hopes that you guys will love my OC’s the way I do, but if you don’t, that’s okay. these are just my thoughts. if you read all this, thank you, if you didn’t… that’s okay too. 


@Delilahbobbb that means so much, thank you 


@_kingmila Well said!! Skyler is much loved by us and we appreciate her too. <3


i have been on wattpad for ten years. an entire DECADE. since i was 15 years old and ive never experienced harassment like this. and what is particularly sad for me is the character and story im receiving these threats over. being told im going to be killed, that my grandma needs to watch out (mind you, both my grandmas have been dead for years) threatening my friends, my family. over fiction??? 
          let me tell you guys a story. the reason i started writing in the first place. 
          when i accidentally stumbled upon vampire diaries for the first time (scrolling through TV looking for something to watch) i was all in. while watching i started to think to myself “i wonder what this show would be like if Stefan and Damon had a sister.” so I wrote it, and Skyler was born. 
          Skyler Salvatore is my first OC, basically my first child. She started ALL of this for me. I never expected her story to get as popular as it is. I never expected my writing to get as popular as it did. Ages 15-16 were really hard for me. I was depressed af, suicidal, and numb to everything. the only thing that made me feel normal, that made me feel better was writing Skyler’s story. She pulled me through one of the darkest points of my life. 
          All of my OC’s end up with their endgames, even if they go through hell and back to get there. I have rewritten Skyler’s story endless times to give her the ending that she deserves (and then the show just had to kill Klaus… spoiler), I love all my readers and I love that you guys love Skyler. But trust me, nobody loves her more than me. Creating her saved me from myself. I know my story, I know my character, and if anybody take issues with anything that I write, you’re free to not read. 
          I write for myself, I choose to share it in the hopes that you guys will love my OC’s the way I do, but if you don’t, that’s okay. these are just my thoughts. if you read all this, thank you, if you didn’t… that’s okay too. 


@Delilahbobbb that means so much, thank you 


@_kingmila Well said!! Skyler is much loved by us and we appreciate her too. <3


Hey @_kingmila, I wanted to let you know that I have reported the person again for the recent messages they have posted on your board in the last few hours. Wattpad seriously needs to do something about the situation you're currently going through. You'll continue to be in my thoughts and prayers and may the Lord guide and protect you and your family as you go through this situation. Hopefully this will come to an end soon, and I will continue to support you as others are doing as well.


they don’t know where I live 


both my grandmothers are already dead, you freak 


Came on just now and I see u getting threatened over a FICTIONAL FREAKING STORY?????? what in hell is wrong with this person??? R u ok???


@ShireenEpps yeah I reported and blocked every account they made and I haven’t gotten any threats for like 3 days I think, so hopefully they’re banned from making more accounts 


@ShireenEpps reported but don't want to block them in case they post anymore


thank you to everyone who checked on me and reported that page. i haven’t received anymore threats on my message board. i appreciate you guys 


@_kingmila good good. If they continue to harass you we got you bestie! 


@_kingmila  it's no problem, nobody should have that happen to them over a work of fiction that was meant to bring only enjoyment to themselves and others. I hope you're doing okay now.


@_kingmila Hey, I am a fan of your work and wanted you to know that I am very sorry for what this one person is putting you through. While I don't actively comment and vote for your works (I'm self conscious about doing so), I do read them and enjoy them very much. I wanted to let you know that like others I have reported them from one of their most recent posts and also included the other usernames that they have used in the report I sent. Hopefully, something will be done soon about the current situation, but you will be in my thoughts and prayers so that this harassment will come to an end.


Thank you so much. This really means a lot to me


this message may be offensive
I am so sorry you’ve had to go through this.  Skyler’s story truly is a well-written one, but it’s sad to see REAL people getting threatened over a FICTIONAL one. I’ve reported them on all accounts and hopefully it will stop soon. This person is clearly either unwell or just trolling and taking the mick. But regardless stay safe cos this is some scary shit they’re wishing upon you ngl


@_kingmila i don’t think this person is serious tbh. it’s probably just someone who doesn’t like you making a cruel joke and finding it funny. the witchcraft and satanic usernames sound too exaggerated to be true.


Thank you! And I know it’s crazy to say all of this over a fictional story about  a fictional TV show. none of these people are real so acting this way over it makes 0 sense