
Helluu loveliess! I just published a new story. As it's an original, I'm a bit nervous <3
          	Let me know what you guys think❤️


@aayatae I LOVE IT OMGGG ☝❤, looking forward to how this one turns out! Ilysm, take care


@aayatae your work is just ✨✨✨✨✨


hi, aayat. it has been a minute, hasn't it? :) 
          i'm kio if you can't recognize me. TT
          i don't have much to say, really. i just wanted to know if i could ask my followers to follow you since you speak about the cide actively. i am advocating for the same cause. this time, even debunking some theories some schoolmates held that were against my views. successful too. doesn't matter if they choose to resort to silence once again. i'll let you know soon what happened amidst speaking up. but, coming to the main point, do i have your permission to let my followers know about your highlights in my story? i have seen many accounts being tagged for the information they're supplying and i wonder if i could add you to it. that's all. i hope you're doing well! stay safe. 
          all eyes on the cide.


@sl4ughterhous3 of course, that's amazing, feel absolutely free<3
            And I do remember you :) I hope you're doing fabulous ✨❤️


@aayatae thank you so much!! i am doing well, thank you. :") 
            i hope you are too! 


This is my first time reading something related to the middle east and something to do with historical fiction, but the way you have written it, I think you'll be the reason why I'll be obsessed with this genre soon❤️☺️
          Your writing is so captivating, I love every bit of it and even your characters.... they're already winning my heart lol


Hi! I found you through venom and I quickly became a fan so I read Untherapy (obv) and then I obsessed over prispar, so the point is, I thoroughly enjoyed whatever you've written about starlight of Persia ✨✨✨
          I'm thrilled to be a part of this prestigious journey!!


Formal request: if I read something you've written and say I don't like it, you have my full permission to enter me into a mental asylum and make sure they put me into a straight jacket because I'm probably dangerous at that point if it's come to this