
          	I hope you like my new story 'Filthy' which I'll be updating on Saturdays and Sundays. But if I possibly miss an update, I'll publish on a random day.
          	And about my previous book 'Fame Game', it is currently on hold because of the writer's block I'm having for it, nonetheless, I'll be back to it once I feel like.
          	Thank you. 
          	Have a good day/night.


@abienceX wow :') you have no idea how excited i am. Also thanks for not spoiling it hihi <3 I'm so glad you're sharing your stories with us 


@abienceX missed your stories dear author ♡


@everybody_sayy_noo sure, but I can't let you know the whole thing, I don't wanna spoil it for you :)
          	  It's about a girl who's stepfather is cruel and abusive, it shows her life struggles alongside raising her little sister. It's also about another man who's an excellent father on the other hand, but is quite lonely inside and how they both are fated to meet and fall in love through their sadness and struggles


Hey author 
          I know you are on hiatus and rest untill some more months , but just wanted to express how much i miss you and "filthy"....
          Like , alotttttttt
          I just can hope this stop would not be permanent like other authors ... i hope you wouldn't stop coming to wattpad :((((
          Best wishes for you , hope you are doing great ♡♡♡


          Hey Author 
          I've been a reader of your book "Filthy"  and have missed your updates. I hope everything is okay. Your storytelling is incredible, and your readers eagerly await your return.
          Best wishes,


@EUNICE_kimm hello. Everything is okay, I'm just having a heavy writer's block for some reason, and I'm also very busy and have no time for writing or even spending time to think about what to write :<
            Thank you so much for the sweet words, it means a lot to me. I know all my readers wait for me, they're one of the most patient and kind guys ever, and I'm very grateful towards you and them. I'll try to return soon, but for now, take care ❤️


Hey author ♡♡♡
          Is there any marked date you would update "filthy" ? :")


@abienceX oh my , 5 months 
            I hope everything is going well for you author , ( lots of love for you from us ♡♡ )
            But thank you for giving a head up for next update ♡♡


@xxwniazxx oh lol, I meant by the end of September/beginning of October


            autumn? ××
            But where i live it is spring T^T


Author are you okay ? I hope you are okay<3 


@sucking_namjesus hey, I'm fine, just very busy. Hope you're okay too