
I can't believe it! We've reached 1 million reads on Falling in the Dark! This is such an exciting milestone for me, I can't thank my readers enough for showing love to this story! This book is so close to my heart, and it means so much to me that so many of you enjoyed it. 
          	THANK YOU! ♡
          	Lots of love and hugs,


@adverbially congratulations, sweetheart! Yay!




          Hey! I'm a representative of G∅∅d N∅vel. I want to ask if you'd be interested in signing one or more of your stories with my platform. No pressure, if you're not interested then you can simply tell me or ignore. And if you're here are some details about the contract we offer.
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Last evening, I started reading the book,
                        “This Love” 
          And i’ve already reached the end. 
          Aesthetically written. No flaws. Just a peaceful book except for how it had to end. I loved it. 
          I wish Jason and Leena had a chance to mend things right before she had left, but no. The fate of these two characters were held by the author. And it seemed you had a different plotting. 
          All I can do now is to sureender to “The End” 
          However we may want to finish their stories, it won’t be the same since these lives were brought upon the fictional world by the author. And no matter how hard we try to give them a happily ever after, there’ll always be a “What if” questioning their relationship. 
          So I guess, I got to do what a real reader is ought to. To go with the flow of the stories. -Love. Hate. Anger. Cry - And let go, once it comes to its own end. 
          Thank you so much for this beautiful story. I enjoyed it. Loved it. And I’m gonna terribly miss these characters. 


Hi, @AaminathNadha thank you so much for your lovely message! It means a lot to me that you enjoyed reading the story! Thank you again for your kind message, I really appreciate it. :)


I can't believe it! We've reached 1 million reads on Falling in the Dark! This is such an exciting milestone for me, I can't thank my readers enough for showing love to this story! This book is so close to my heart, and it means so much to me that so many of you enjoyed it. 
          THANK YOU! ♡
          Lots of love and hugs,


@adverbially congratulations, sweetheart! Yay!




Hi everyone! A new update for Under Changing Skies is coming very soon.
          In the meantime, can you give me some Netflix/Prime recommendations? What have you enjoyed streaming lately? I'm open to any genre/language, so feel free to share your favourites! ♡
          I hope you're all doing well and staying healthy! 


@adverbially you are welcome, dear. Happy to help! How are you doing? ♡


@Olga_GOA Hi, Olga! So good to hear from you! Those are some great recommendations! I've seen Nocturne, Birdbox, Unfriended and Cam - all good movies! I will check out Aftermath and Evil Eye as well. Thank you :) ♡


@adverbially Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Missed ya!
            I can advice you to watch AFTERMATH 2022 movie among new ones, NOCTURNE & EVIL EYE 2020 (this one is made by Indian director and I really liked it ;) because there is also mystic) which are kind of horror if you like. From the old horror movies - Birdbox 2018, Unfriended 2014, CAM 2018.


Dear Author, just came here to say that I've read 3 out of 4 books, and I'm literally in love with every-single-one! It's just all so awesome. Amazing amazing and just amazing ❣️


@AwaitingSud Hi, thank you so much for this kind message! It means a lot to me that you enjoyed my stories, i appreciate it! Thank you also for your lovely comments on my stories, looking forward to reading and replying to them ♡✨


Lighthouse Lullaby has been added to the "Short Reads: Time to take a break ⏱️" reading list on the Wattpad and Wattpad Explorer profiles! I'm so excited and grateful to have my story included in this list! ♡
          Also, Chapter Thirty-Seven of Under Changing Skies was recently posted, here's the link if you'd like to check it out: - We're getting closer to the end of UCS, and I'm looking forward to complete it and hearing what you think about it! 
          I hope you're having a good weekend! Take care :)


@laughter989 Thanks so much! ♡


Hi everyone, just wanted to quickly pop in here to say that I'm grateful to all 2K+ of you!!!
          Lots of love,
          PS. An update of Under Changing Skies is coming very soon! Thanks so much to all of you who have stayed with the story ♡


Loved your books very much. This love is my personal favourite. Please do write more books with sad endings♡︎


@Phoenix_Dreams_ Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoyed reading This Love! ♡


Happy New Year, everyone!!! I hope you're having a great and safe time with your loved ones. These past two years have been challenging, to say the least, but I hope 2022 brings you good health and happiness. ♡