
          	No probs I'd love to check it out ;) I'll get to it as soon as I get back to roxby which is tomorrow 


          How are you??
          When are you gonna update "Sin". It's such an AMAZINGGGGG book!! Please update soon.
          You are such a talented and mindblowing author, I love your work.
          I hope you are doing good
          Love you and work<33
          Take care<33


Care to take a look at my story. It's new and I'm trying to get it out there. It's about a necromancer and the undead. Just come and check it out. Give me feedback! Just check it out and tell me what you think. Thanks!!


Your book is really well written, you should be very proud! I love the amount of detail you put into it, and the first few paragraphs are really entrancing! Very interesting story xx