
Chapter 23 of 'Not What You Need' is up and awaiting your reviews!


          I had been a reader of yours when you were writing A broken future of togetherness and ob my god I love that book! Literally read it 3-4 times already. But when you abandoned it,  it literally agonized me. I do understand and respect your reasons but still I hope one day you'll find the muse to your impending stories.
          Anyways, I do wish to read the book you've been writing now, but not started yet as I am waiting for it to be finished. So, do you have a tentative date or no. of chaps after which you'll be done? Coz, although I love your writing too much, your abandonment of books have now literally caused me to read only the completed ones, haha!! So, do u have a date or no. Of chaps till it's over? 


@EshIITian Firstly, I apologize for the delay in responding to your message, as well as for discontinuing ABFOT. I thank you for your understanding too and really appreciate the fact that you would like to continue reading my stories.
            I published my first original fiction, 'Untimed' on Amazon: on which I'd love to hear your thoughts!
            I am currently in the process of writing 'Not What You Need' (which I assure you will not be a story I'll abandon ). I cannot give you an exact number of chapters pending, however I can say that I'm more than halfway through this story. Would love to hear your reviews on this one too - every piece of feedback encourages me to write more. :)


Please author ji please update where we have come up to! Please please! 


@Bheemaatmika I'm extremely sorry for not seeing this message earlier. Apologies again that I won't be able to continue this story. I admit, leaving it on permanent hiatus is not justified and can be very frustrating and unprofessional too.
            'Where Have We Come Up To' was written years ago, when I had just begun writing. Ideas have spurred and dissolved. Since writing is a creative process, it isn't something that can be forced. Which is why PrAja isn't a trope I will be able to continue, at least not at the moment.
            If the muse strikes again, I will endeavor to find the time between work commitments to resume this fanfiction. Until then however, I'm sorry but I won't be able to update this story.
            If my writing style is something you like, I'd really appreciate your support on my other stories, the most recent one being 'Not What You Need'. Feedback means a lot to a writer, and I'd love to get yours on my current story.