
Hello Dear Readers,
          	I am thrilled to announce that Along The Lines Of Love has crossed 1M reads. This wouldn't be possible without you all. When I started writing that book, I never thought it would become the comfort book of so many! It's phenomenal to see how so many of you connect with he characters in ATLOL. The interesting part is I receive a notification for at least one comment on it every single day! ♥︎
          	Also, my profile has crossed 10K followers! I am still trying to digest that  10k people out there are looking forward to updates on my books . . . feels like a dream!
          	A special shout-out to those who have been with me since my early days here and have seen me grow through various phases of my life.
          	Thank you for all the love, respect,  good wishes and prayers. There is so much I have learnt here. Thank you for making this place my happy place!


This book n you deserve more more much more ❤️ Congratulations fav author ❤️


@anamika_writes truly a comfort book ever 


@anamika_writes congratulations dear, It has always been my favourite & now it is better together. Love u.


I don't know Why in the top Indian Wattpad stories male leads are king as well as business tycoon and they rule the Rajasthan  and also they have different eyes colour (green, blue, etc) like seriously, I am getting bored from that type of stories,
          I know some of you will say that then why are you reading this but what should I do they are in the top 10 and also I am not finding any good books which are relatable or simple middle class vibe type. I know most of the readers will prefer this type of stories but they are not getting bcoz the number is so less. Can someone suggest this type of stories or prefer the author name.


You can try my story "Fierce love"


Try "Destined Threads " by Yoonkuiii