
Hey guys! 
          	Just thought I should update you because I'm noticing a lot of activity surrounding Flicker these past few months. 
          	First of all thank you to each and every one of you who've read Flicker and voted and commented and thank you for also being so patient! I'm currently going through exams so I've been extra busy and there's still a lot of things I want to change about Flicker so I'm feeling a bit conflicted. I'm thinking of editing Flicker so that I can get rid of mistakes but also improve on a lot of things that were okay to say back in 2015 but that doesn't quite resonate now and also clarify a lot of areas and try to make the chapters more consistent. Hopefully I get that done before summer 2020 and so that's when I'd start Flare, the sequel. 
          	Thank you again for being so patient and supporting, I'm still shocked to be honest and I hope I make work that is of your expectations!
          	Lots of love,
          	Natalia x


Hey guys! 
          Just thought I should update you because I'm noticing a lot of activity surrounding Flicker these past few months. 
          First of all thank you to each and every one of you who've read Flicker and voted and commented and thank you for also being so patient! I'm currently going through exams so I've been extra busy and there's still a lot of things I want to change about Flicker so I'm feeling a bit conflicted. I'm thinking of editing Flicker so that I can get rid of mistakes but also improve on a lot of things that were okay to say back in 2015 but that doesn't quite resonate now and also clarify a lot of areas and try to make the chapters more consistent. Hopefully I get that done before summer 2020 and so that's when I'd start Flare, the sequel. 
          Thank you again for being so patient and supporting, I'm still shocked to be honest and I hope I make work that is of your expectations!
          Lots of love,
          Natalia x


Your book flicker is sooo underrated! Your a great writer and i would love to read a sequel. 


@iii_fudge_iii Thank you! I'll work on it after I finish rereading Flicker haha, wrote that one a while back haha but there's a cover and all prepared :)


I just finished reading flicker and it was amazing but you left me on a cliffhanger here when are you going to write the sequel??


Okay that’s good take you’re time. I can’t wait to read it xx


@StelleDellaLuna Haha sorry about that! Currently working on it! I just need to finish re-reading and editing Flicker I guess as I read through it but because I'm starting uni soon and all that, not sure how much time I will have but I can assure you a first chapter will come up sometime soon


Thanks for adding my book to your reading list, Natalia. It absolutely made my day to read your comments on TBIOS, they were so lovely. Thank you for being amazing <3 


@iii_fudge_iii Aw good luck! It's definitely not easy haha


@anfractuouss aii im starting the IB program  in 2 years


No problem at all! The pleasure was mine ❤️


Thanks for following me, u speak french ?


Haha no problem! And yea that's what I said haha!