
[RANT/OPINION] your probably going to unfollow me after this. 
          	After, one word, five letters, and a shít ton of reads. 
          	I don't want to be a hater or anything, I'm just putting my opinion out there (and hoping in not the only one thinking this)
          	I honestly don't think after is the best book, I remember when the first book just started getting popular so like many other I started reading the first fee chapters and oh my gosh was it bad, the grammar wasn't the best and the story was moving way too fast for my liking. 
          	I stopped reading it after the first five chapters, I think, though the more and more popular it became the more interested I was as to why everyone loved it so much which resulted in my reading more of the book and I got sick of it. 
          	It's an abusive relationship (yes they don't physically abuse each other but they do mentally) where they fight then make up and go have sex or go out for nice dinner and the whole story literally just seems like the same thing over and over. 
          	The fact that jewellery is being made after this book is just plain annoying, I mean there are so many other people who write great fan fiction (better then after) and yet they aren't as popular and they don't have jewellery being made for there story as that is genially awkward. 
          	If after was to become a movie, which I doubt it really will be, yes I would watch it then probably complain and hate it, or I could love it who knows, but if there was for a fan fiction to become a movie I would wish for one with a better plot line and greater writing. 
          	And lastly the thing that got me to do this, www.wattpad.com/after , To think that wattpad have done that is just crazily stupid like seriously get it together wattpad, after isn't the only fûcking story on this site you twàts 
          	yeah, feel free to hate me and unfollow me now


I agree, or though I haven't even read it, a girl at my school use to come and tell what happened and really I had no interest. ROOM 315 was, better written, from what I heard she just sold her books for a 6 digit figure.


[RANT/OPINION] your probably going to unfollow me after this. 
          After, one word, five letters, and a shít ton of reads. 
          I don't want to be a hater or anything, I'm just putting my opinion out there (and hoping in not the only one thinking this)
          I honestly don't think after is the best book, I remember when the first book just started getting popular so like many other I started reading the first fee chapters and oh my gosh was it bad, the grammar wasn't the best and the story was moving way too fast for my liking. 
          I stopped reading it after the first five chapters, I think, though the more and more popular it became the more interested I was as to why everyone loved it so much which resulted in my reading more of the book and I got sick of it. 
          It's an abusive relationship (yes they don't physically abuse each other but they do mentally) where they fight then make up and go have sex or go out for nice dinner and the whole story literally just seems like the same thing over and over. 
          The fact that jewellery is being made after this book is just plain annoying, I mean there are so many other people who write great fan fiction (better then after) and yet they aren't as popular and they don't have jewellery being made for there story as that is genially awkward. 
          If after was to become a movie, which I doubt it really will be, yes I would watch it then probably complain and hate it, or I could love it who knows, but if there was for a fan fiction to become a movie I would wish for one with a better plot line and greater writing. 
          And lastly the thing that got me to do this, www.wattpad.com/after , To think that wattpad have done that is just crazily stupid like seriously get it together wattpad, after isn't the only fûcking story on this site you twàts 
          yeah, feel free to hate me and unfollow me now


I agree, or though I haven't even read it, a girl at my school use to come and tell what happened and really I had no interest. ROOM 315 was, better written, from what I heard she just sold her books for a 6 digit figure.


I just deleted 'Female Player' and 'The Vlogger' as I am not In anyway inspired to write them, In fact whenever I see someone has added one of them to their reading list I automatically panick knowing that when I do end up update they'll hate it. 
          The reason they would hate it is because when I don't have inspiration to write then when i do write it, it would be absolutely terrible and even I would hate it, so not have inspiration for writing both of them for months I knew I had to delete them and finally, I have. 
          I'm sorry if you enjoyed one of them and if your disappointed but by having them out there for people to read it made my anxiety go up a little as people could have high expectation and I know I'll let them down by not updating and now by deleting them I feel like a lot of weight has lifted off of my shoulders and I hope you understand. 
          If you unfollow me, that's okay but if you stick by me then expect a few new stories and a new update to 'ocean' coming soon, I'm sorry on the wait for that too but for now I need to get off my phone and focus on school. have a good day, bye xx