
Hello fellow Wattpaddies,  
          	I'm sad to share that I misread the deadline for the ONC.  I didn't know we have to turn in our writing LONDON TIME and I ended up submitting the second part of "The Storm Chaser" on the due date, MY TIME  (。-_-。)  This resulted in me being late by a couple of hours.  IT SUCKS SO BAD.   I can't even begin to tell you...So because I'm late, my story is no longer qualify for ONC entry but on the bright side, I'm not so stressed out anymore, lol. 
          	Anyways, moving on.  Thank you all so much for your support.  Seeing your comments made me smile so BIG.  Stay healthy everyone!   ♥‿♥


@DemetriJohnson - Yeah, yay TP. And I'm not telling names but like one of "those people" are my neighbours who have TP stacked up in their garage. LOL. 
          	  Oh and I mean no more actual school but that we are going to continue with distance learning until summer break. I don't know what's going to happen comes the Fall. 
          	  At least quarantine is productive for you, haha.  I'm excited to get on it this summer :D


@be_butterfly Yay TP! It's crazy how that happened. Now there will be people who won't have to buy any for years.
          	  Yeah, this story seems to be a wild roller coaster.  I thank quarantine for giving me the time to finish it. 
          	  And doesn't the school have like a month left? are you doing distance learning or is that canceled?


@DemetriJohnson -  How are you today, Demetri? I like the idea of your book. It sounds like a fun one, haha.  And where there's sap, there's Bee.  Lol.  I hope quarantine is going well for you.  We found out school is closed for the rest of the year now. Oh, and TP is BACK! O.O


Hey bee, how you be? *you see what I did there XD*


@Anra_Sjar - Omagishhhhhhh.... where have you beeeen? O.o


Hello sweetest bee butterfly, I’m sending you my best wishes to you. I’d like to say that I missed talking to you and I hope you’re doing well. Biggest hug!


@AllAboutWordz - Ahhhhhhhh, ma bestest cat meow is here. I can't believe I missed this message. I was away but I'm back and I just wanted to tell you that you're one of the most amazing and loveliest beans I know.  I've missed talking to you too. I hope you're well and happy. You are incredible in every way and just too wonderful to boot. Much much love (((HUGGLES)))


You've been showered with love.♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
          You deserve all the happiness in the world. So enjoy.
          Post it another's message board and continue it if you don't want to break someone's heart.
          If you get one back then you're loved.
          If you get two back then you're popular.
          If you get three back then you're one of the loveable persons around.
          If you get nine back then I'm jealous.
          This a little different from the original message. It is so good that people are making each other happy every day. We are all together.


@Anra_Sjar - Ahhhhhhhhh. You are the sweetest!!!! ★~(◡‿◡✿)


Hey, would you mind checking out my story? I'd appreciate it and if not that's ok too ❤


@brookelnf - Np. Will check it out when I have time ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿


Oh man, i miss talking to you... Your cheerful and happy personality was always so awesome to see and you were always an awesome person to talk to. I wish that i was on Wattpad forever so, that i could talk to you for a lot of years, but unfortunately, my original account got banned. I guess nothing lasts forever sadly, but i miss talking to my friends on Wattpad, including you. I wish i could return, but i can't, sadly.
          Also, it's me, Po. Sorry if i sound creepy or suspicious.


@-Poamzi48585- Awe, thanks, Po.  I can't imagine that anything you did could be so bad for Wattpad to permanently ban you. I'm glad that you found Archive of our Own to continue to write your fanfic tho. (◡‿◡✿)


@be_butterfly It's a writing site just like Wattpad.
            I wish there were more people like you, everyone gets so offended over everything on Wattpad. Ane everything is so, ugh, controversial.


@-Poamzi48585- Ah. I didn't know that once you're banned, you can't get your account back :/  What's Archive of Our Own?
            And you don't have to apologise. I don't get easily offended. You're not annoying or like a bother. There is a load of super annoying and not to mention mean as hell people on Wattpad and they're still there, ugh.  Anyways, a lot of fun people have poofed from Wattpad now.


Hello fellow Wattpaddies,  
          I'm sad to share that I misread the deadline for the ONC.  I didn't know we have to turn in our writing LONDON TIME and I ended up submitting the second part of "The Storm Chaser" on the due date, MY TIME  (。-_-。)  This resulted in me being late by a couple of hours.  IT SUCKS SO BAD.   I can't even begin to tell you...So because I'm late, my story is no longer qualify for ONC entry but on the bright side, I'm not so stressed out anymore, lol. 
          Anyways, moving on.  Thank you all so much for your support.  Seeing your comments made me smile so BIG.  Stay healthy everyone!   ♥‿♥


@DemetriJohnson - Yeah, yay TP. And I'm not telling names but like one of "those people" are my neighbours who have TP stacked up in their garage. LOL. 
            Oh and I mean no more actual school but that we are going to continue with distance learning until summer break. I don't know what's going to happen comes the Fall. 
            At least quarantine is productive for you, haha.  I'm excited to get on it this summer :D


@be_butterfly Yay TP! It's crazy how that happened. Now there will be people who won't have to buy any for years.
            Yeah, this story seems to be a wild roller coaster.  I thank quarantine for giving me the time to finish it. 
            And doesn't the school have like a month left? are you doing distance learning or is that canceled?


@DemetriJohnson -  How are you today, Demetri? I like the idea of your book. It sounds like a fun one, haha.  And where there's sap, there's Bee.  Lol.  I hope quarantine is going well for you.  We found out school is closed for the rest of the year now. Oh, and TP is BACK! O.O


Hi everybody!!!!!!!   I have an important announcement to make — for those who’s anticipating and those who are not, lol, I’ve just published TWO.. yes you heard it right, not one but two chapters of “The Storm Chaser”, my new ONC 2020 entry.  Feel free to check the story out and let me know what you think.  A Big gigantic thank you to all the wonderful beans who have supported me on this journey, I’m smiling at you. Haha. And to all a good day  ❤️


@jinnis -  Good luck to you too, Jinni.  ❤️❤️❤️


Well, I try. We’ll see if I can pull this through. But wish you a lot of success with yours!


@jinnis - It doesn't?  *cries*   
            Whaaaaaa....YOU ARE DOING THE ONC TOO?  Must check it out now!!!!!! <33