
this message may be offensive
          	I just wanted to come here and remind you guys that I AM STILL HERE, I just went through a really shit breakup and wasn’t feeling my best. BUT I AM BACK!
          	I have something very special coming up for you all.  Is it new chapters? Yeah but there is ANOTHER thing. Is it another book? Sort of. Another fanfiction? Not really. But I think you guys will really like it!
          	Anyway that’s all :3
          	~ Bloody


Im so sorry about that, I know how hard it can be but your a strong, amazing, beautiful, and crazy talented person! I’m so glad your back and doing better we all love you and can’t wait for the surprises you have waiting for us! <3


@bloody_heartstrings I'm sorry for you..  hope you feel better soon!


Not really sure how to ask this, lol.
          Do you think that The Reaping will ever be finished? I just looked at the last update and it was in October of last year, so I got curious. If not then that's okay too, I just thought I'd ask.


It will be! I’m just going through writers block atm :’)


Hey Bloody, could you give me some criticism on my newest book, Something Strange? It's an MH fanfic, so I just would like some constructive criticism on how the story is set up. If you decide to read it, then I would greatly appreciate it. I'm not gonna spoil a lot of it, but it's about Tim Wright's unknown sister. 


            That works fine for me!
            I’ll go through the book tonight :>


@bloody_heartstrings  could you just comment on each paragraph? If you find it's too much or it takes too much time, we can arrange for something else. Is that okay?


Hey there!
            I’m really flattered that you want me to have a read of it for feedback reasons, so thank you for that :>
            I just had a read of Chapter 1, and it’s looking like a good story so far! I do have some feedback to give, but I wanted to know what you preferred first.
            I can comment on each paragraph with dot point feedbacks, or I can rewrite each paragraph and also let you know what I changed/added in so you have a more immersive feedback.
            Let me know what you prefer, and I’ll read the rest of the book :>
            ~ Bloody


this message may be offensive
          I just wanted to come here and remind you guys that I AM STILL HERE, I just went through a really shit breakup and wasn’t feeling my best. BUT I AM BACK!
          I have something very special coming up for you all.  Is it new chapters? Yeah but there is ANOTHER thing. Is it another book? Sort of. Another fanfiction? Not really. But I think you guys will really like it!
          Anyway that’s all :3
          ~ Bloody


Im so sorry about that, I know how hard it can be but your a strong, amazing, beautiful, and crazy talented person! I’m so glad your back and doing better we all love you and can’t wait for the surprises you have waiting for us! <3


@bloody_heartstrings I'm sorry for you..  hope you feel better soon!


I HOPE U HAD A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS AND HAPOY NEW YEAR!!!  Just here to praise u a bit more on how fab your writing is and your art is amazing! I hope to see some more chapters for The Reaping and Girl In The Attic but remember to take as much time as you need no one is rushing you! Sending much love <333


Ahhh hi, seems you’ve been Mia for a while I just wanted to check if your still here and are ok of course? <33


Ahhh glad your still here and we get that take the time you need <33 can’t wait for the reaping to be updated tho 


YESSS im still here I promise!! just recharging on motivation 


Hey guys!! 
          Just wanted to post a little quick message about some thoughts I’ve been having about The Girl in the Attic.
          I wrote LWTC, aka the original of The Girl in the Attic, when I was 13. Since then, my writing style has seriously developed and I’ve been finding it difficult to write Creepypastas to be light-hearted and fun.
          So if The Girl in the Attic is a bit different from what you were expecting, I’m really sorry!! It’s still going to have the Creepypastas having fun together ofc, but it just won’t have the same vibe as LWTC unfortunately.
          Thank you for reading, I really appreciate your support!
          ~ Bloody


Your writing is FAB I love the way you stay on the more realistic side of the fandom, keep up the great work 


Ofc! <3 ur one of my fav writers ^^


TYSM  I’m really glad you’re enjoying it