
Asalamualikum!! How are you doing sis? i just finished reading ur book and mashallah u are really good at it!! i loved it so much it was perfect!! it sets a good example of a muslim even if non muslims read it,thankyou so much,u are truly talented,May Allah bless you,Take care loveee you❤❤❤


@-eatingyourfood- Yeahh sure!! I like interacting with fellow sisters on wattpad ♥️. 


@books4life123x Wa iyaaki❤❤❤ ofc i would ur book really deserves recognition aww yayyy i'm glad i did! Ameen Jazakallah khair❤❤ wanna be friends? :)


@-eatingyourfood- Wa - Alaykum Salaam, jazakallah soo much for taking out time to leave a review it means a lot. Thank you soo much for your kind words ♥️. You’ve made my day!! . May Allah Swt shower you in blessings!! Love you too sis 


          First of all Mashallah you wrote your book so rightfully and the book often  brought tears to my eyes_( happy tears) Alhaam and Ayman found their happy ending by having sabr and by keeping their imaan strong in the harshest of times.May you be blessed with a loving family and I pray to Allah Almighty that we all find love in the most pious way,that we all be blessed with people who love us who care for us .
          P.S : Keep writing books ,it opens one's eyes often .And moreover sister  love  ya.
          Jazakillah khair.


@nausheen2005 - Jazakallah jazakallah soo much honestly this message means sooo much to me. You have made my day . Ameen ameen to your duas ♥️. It makes me soo happy when people actually learn something from my book!! Jazakallah once again for reading and leaving this heartwarming message. May Allah Swt bless you abundantly and grant you a pious, loving spouse ♥️. Love ya too!!! 


          Love cuz everyone deserves it <33


@i_am_moodie - haha that’s soo sweet ♥️♥️ you deserve the love too!! 


My apologies for sliding into your Conversations board uninvited.
          I just wanted to grab your attention to my stories. There is an arranged marriage story, a teen romance, a young adult, and some mafia stories I have been working on, one of them is completed and others are ongoing.
          You can find a link to them on my profile here @SabhyataSahu 
          Once again, I'm sorry for intruding. Have a nice day ahead.!!!!


Assalamu Alaikum Warahmathullahi Wabarakathuhu...
          I absolutely LOVE your book,  Its Awesome , It is so benificial for muslim teenagers to understand the nature of marriage..I hope we get a good husband like Ayman Insha allah..
          It was a really good book there are so many lessons in this story.
          once again I Love your book very much


@Teddybear_Nightowl thank you soooooo much this literally made my day. It means a lot ♥️. 