
It's been a hot minute since I've been on here... I really didn't mean to disappear for so long. Whoops... anyway, I don't know if I want to start a new project on here or not. I know I still have to finish A Soul of Gang, but I'm taking a small break from that story. The same thing for my poetry collection, too, honestly... why does writing have to be so hard? LOL


It's been a hot minute since I've been on here... I really didn't mean to disappear for so long. Whoops... anyway, I don't know if I want to start a new project on here or not. I know I still have to finish A Soul of Gang, but I'm taking a small break from that story. The same thing for my poetry collection, too, honestly... why does writing have to be so hard? LOL


Hi friends.
          It has been a while since I've shared anything on here, and I wish I could say my absence was a temporary one because life got busy.
          Life did get busy, but not for a reason I thought I'd ever be sharing at this point of my life.
          Two days before Christmas, I took my husband to the ER. He ended up staying until the 28th, when he got transferred to another (bigger) hospital.... He unexpectedly passed away on January 2nd while at said hospital.
          We had his funeral last week on the 10th.
          It's been almost a month since I've heard my husband talk to me or seen his eyes light up when he sees me. It's been 2 weeks since his heart stopped, and I lost my best friend forever.
          Physically, I'm okay. Mentally and emotionally, not so much (I don't understand how I haven't run out of tears to cry, honestly). I never thought at 27, I would be a widow. It still feels like a really bad dream.
          Anyways, I don't know when I'll be coming back to Wattpad. I'm taking some time to figure things out and just be patient with myself... this is the first time I've ever been on my own, and it's an overwhelming time all around.
          Hug your people as often as you can. <3


@brunette-bombshell  if there's anything at all I can help you with please let me know 


@_EMHWbear thank you... it's been an adjustment, for sure. But it's baby steps every day.


Feeling super productive this morning... not sure if it's because I had coffee (which I'm not a big drinker of lol) or what, but I'm not going to question it! Just wanted to share that all of ASOG has been scheduled to publish based on the timeframe I mentioned in my last post, and it puts me at sharing the last chapter on December 6th!!!
          While this makes me happy to share with y'all, it also makes me a little sad because it looks like I won't be finishing ASOG in time to self-publish in 2023... which means I haven't published anything since Flirting With Hell in 2022. :/
          BUT that does give me the motivation to do an early 2024 release! ;) I have some brainstorming to do...


Happy October 1st, friends!!! <3
          Chapter 1 of A SOUL OF GANG is now live, ICYMI! Welcome to the present-day world of The City, where we find our leading lady, Ava Centofanti, in a therapy session followed by an intriguing encounter at the Blue Bird Cafe (do I dare say meet-cute moment?!?!? Of course I dare say so! <3 )
          On a related note, for the month of October, ASOG will have the following posting schedule as of right now: Sundays & Wednesdays at 1 pm EST (aka the U.S. East Coast). So far, I have Chapters 2 through 5 scheduled to be posted automatically at this time, and I will keep an eye on how this scheduling works out before committing further chapters. And of course, I'll be taking into consideration any feedback from you, the readers, on how you like the Sunday/Wednesday posting as well! :) <3


Serious question because I've never really looked into it before... how do rankings work for the tags?
          Because I don't have many parts posted for ASOG, and currently its most impressive ranking is 247 out of like 16k stories for forbidden romance o.O


@AWryneckWrites that makes a lot of sense. Thank you!! :)


@brunette-bombshell it's not public information so im going on what I know from programming and from toying with hashtags. 
            1. Engagement Metrics keep you on the charts.  number of reads, votes,  comments, and shares on a story. Stories with higher engagement rank higher.
            2. Recency this is what happened with you likely have. New stories may receive a temporary boost in rankings to give them visibility, encouraging more readers to discover them.
            3. User Behavior.  Wattpad may analyze user behavior,  how long readers spend on a story, and whether they complete it. Stories that keep readers engaged and reading are likely to be ranked higher.
            4. Genre and Category.  Wattpad may have different ranking systems for various genres and categories to ensure that stories are ranked within their appropriate niches.
            5. Author Engagement. Some algorithms may also consider the engagement and reputation of the author, including their follower count and previous success on the platform.
            6. Wattpad Paid Programs. Wattpad may have separate algorithms for stories participating in its paid programs, like Wattpad Stars or Wattpad Paid Stories, to promote monetized content.


** forbidden love (my bad lol)


I'm so excited to share that the first draft of ASOG is now ready to be shared on Wattpad! <3
          For now, I have posted an author's note and the playlist/aesthetics, but the prologue will be published this evening! (I'm hoping in the next hour or so!!) I don't have a set posting schedule yet for this story, but I'm thinking twice a week? What do you think?
          Anyway, feel free to check it out! :)


What if... I posted the first (unedited) draft of A Soul of Gang here? *side-eyeball emoji*
          While it is technically a sequel, you wouldn't necessarily have to read A Heart of Gang to follow along (although there are slightly minor spoilers that may be confusing at first).
          And it is a Mafia romance, if anyone's interested in that...
          Just an idea... I just want to get a feel of interest ^_^ ❤️


@brunette-bombshell Just do it :) schedule posts! That's what I'm doing.