
Do you ever just like start writing your story and then another idea hits you for another entire story? 
          	Like I’ve got too many different ideas for so many stories and not enough time of the day to write them. 
          	Yeah, that’s where I’m at on my books lol. 
          	Thank you all for being so kind and patient with me in putting up chapters slowly. ❤️


@Tressa0526 hey that would make things a lot smoother but alas stuck with writing the ideas down and going with it lol 
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@caler_jo_hyden honestly! It makes me wish that we had technology that can simply write what I'm thinking when it comes to ideas
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Do you ever just like start writing your story and then another idea hits you for another entire story? 
          Like I’ve got too many different ideas for so many stories and not enough time of the day to write them. 
          Yeah, that’s where I’m at on my books lol. 
          Thank you all for being so kind and patient with me in putting up chapters slowly. ❤️


@Tressa0526 hey that would make things a lot smoother but alas stuck with writing the ideas down and going with it lol 
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@caler_jo_hyden honestly! It makes me wish that we had technology that can simply write what I'm thinking when it comes to ideas
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Hi this is Angela Edwards and I just  want to know are you still continuing with Daisy and Douglas story from Lab rats and I love your books so much ❤️❤️


I sure am! In fact, I just updated that book tonight!! ❤️ so glad that you enjoy them!
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I was wondering will Eternal continue, or will you rewrite it, or is it discontinued?


In due time it will be updated, trying to update all my books out there while trying to remember all the different ideas running through my head for all of them lol 
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