
Anyone fans of Genshin Impact? I might just have something for it. Though these will be catering more to Lyney fans.


@celestialarice me! But I'm more of a scara fan


Anyone fans of Genshin Impact? I might just have something for it. Though these will be catering more to Lyney fans.


@celestialarice me! But I'm more of a scara fan


A little update about my Dazatsu Week series!
          There are only THREE one-shots left. The next one is going to have a mixture of crack and fluff, the second will have similar vibes to the first one-shot of the book, and the last one is, well, still in progress! XD Let's hope I get to have some time off college to finish it, hehe!
          For now, I'm hoping you guys are enjoying all the current one-shots! The next one, the one with crack and fluff, will be out at 12 PM GMT+8 time on Monday! Stay tuned for that, because that one is LONG!
          Votes and especially comments are 100% appreciated, but so long as you enjoy reading, I'm happy! <3


It is OUT! My Dazatsu week stories will all be compiled into one book! And slowly, we get the updates for all the days! Thank you for waiting, and I hope you like these! Don't forget to read the INFO at the beginning of every chapter so you'd know what you're going in for!
          Some of them can be spoilers for BSD's season 4 onward. Or even to BSD's alternate universe, BEAST, the light novel (that also has its manga adaptation). So be sure to read the INFO so you know what the one-shot is all about!


@celestialarice your welcome and thank you for informing about the schedule 


@Unknownmira Thank you for your constant support! The next ones will be updated every Friday and Monday! :)


@celestialarice Congratulations  on publishing a new book I'm very happy for you and I'm exited to read the one-shots but also take care of your health and I'll wait as long as it takes


Have you heard of pairings week? Well, on Tumblr, the account @dazatsuweek has posted something about it for this time! And I am participating! Or well, already participating.
          It goes from July 24th to 31st. I already have my Day 1 one-shot up on my AO3 account, but I will be putting it here on the 1st of August! Stay tuned for that!


@celestialarice    Yes it's amazing to see that it had come,


So, as Dazatsu week is approaching, I might do some short fics for it and post it on AO3 and here later on as well!
          Other than that, I've been thinking of doing another shorts/crack & fluff collection like 'One True Pairing' again, but this time, it's gonna be an L x reader one. FYI, I meant L from Death Note! :)


Yes I am doing fine and I'm very happy to know that you are alright 


@Unknownmira I'm doing fine, though with many things to work on IRL, thank you for asking! I hope you are also doing great! <3


@celestialarice oh hello how are you? And yes I love the idea and I will be waiting for it to be published


Thank you so much for 10k reads on 'One True Pairing'! :))
          Some brief announcements. There will be more Dazatsu content coming soon either mid or late July! Stay tuned!


@celestialarice Congratulations on 10k reads , I'm very happy for you and I'm excited to read your future books but also take care of yourself 