
I remember when i started reading Wattpad(2014) there was this book i loved so much that the writer never finished(still unfinished). The writer was still very active with her life and when asked why she never finished the book, when she was such a good writer she said 'the zeal just wasn't there any more'. I  didn't understand what she meant but now i do, so sorry to the people who started any of my works and saw that it wasn't complete, I'm really trying to pick up the interest again but it's becoming so hard to even write a line of story. Maybe one day i will be back maybe i may never, thank you all for enjoying my works. Forgotten love, best before marriage and best after marriage.


I remember when i started reading Wattpad(2014) there was this book i loved so much that the writer never finished(still unfinished). The writer was still very active with her life and when asked why she never finished the book, when she was such a good writer she said 'the zeal just wasn't there any more'. I  didn't understand what she meant but now i do, so sorry to the people who started any of my works and saw that it wasn't complete, I'm really trying to pick up the interest again but it's becoming so hard to even write a line of story. Maybe one day i will be back maybe i may never, thank you all for enjoying my works. Forgotten love, best before marriage and best after marriage.


One day when i get enough time (angry at my self that i didn't use lock down period) i would take down Best before marriage and best after marriage and re write everything. The story is good but i have to admit it the writing wasn't. But who can blame me it was my first ever book.