
hi guys. I'm aware of the fact that I keep disappearing, and I apologize. but regarding salvation (the third book of the series), I don't know if I'm able to find the motivation to finish it. we'll see. but I came back on here to ask this main question: 
          	what kind of story should I write next? 
          	yes, I know I haven't even finished Salvation, but I can't seem to bring myself to do so. so while I figure out what I want to do with that, I feel like I'll have the motivation to start a new story (or even a series, who knows?) it'll be greatly appreciated if I could get some ideas, school has made me lose brain cells.




@darkarchangel2 i really like ur evil percy fanfics so i suggest making one where percy and piper, thalia and nico, are betrayed and they all take revenge by killing the gods and demigods with the titans and a new generation of demi-titans is started.


PLEASE update salvation. I have seen far too many good sagas go waste and sent to their deaths by those who couldn't muster up enough support. 
          This message is brought to you by "if this was my English project, I'd get an A" but I wrote this instead. 


          Listen. I have written stories in the past as well, and I know wat you are feeling right now. You don;t kbow how to weap it up, and it feels like you're fresh out of ideas. Still, this is the FINAL book of Revenge. You can literally see the ending to 'Salvation'. It is the PERFECT storyline so far. Percy is cracking up. He starts being more leinet. 
          This is the chance to finish it. It doesn't matter about length, quality is what matters. Make Percy crumble. let him lose. The others will me mourned for, but he will fall.
          Please finish Salvation.


@bigbadboi191 thank you for the motivation. I will not discontinue it, but I do not know when I will finish it. However, I will say that the trilogy will be completed for sure. Have a good day!


hi guys. I'm aware of the fact that I keep disappearing, and I apologize. but regarding salvation (the third book of the series), I don't know if I'm able to find the motivation to finish it. we'll see. but I came back on here to ask this main question: 
          what kind of story should I write next? 
          yes, I know I haven't even finished Salvation, but I can't seem to bring myself to do so. so while I figure out what I want to do with that, I feel like I'll have the motivation to start a new story (or even a series, who knows?) it'll be greatly appreciated if I could get some ideas, school has made me lose brain cells.




@darkarchangel2 i really like ur evil percy fanfics so i suggest making one where percy and piper, thalia and nico, are betrayed and they all take revenge by killing the gods and demigods with the titans and a new generation of demi-titans is started.


@darkarchangel2 when will you finish salvation?


@darkarchangel2 I personally think ideas up during school. Your imagination runs wild when you are bored.


@perlia_is_the_best oh man, not sure. I don't like to leave stories unfinished, but it's been hard to have the motivation to write. I'll hopefully finish it by next year, as I have to scrounge up the ideas I had for it. thanks for being a reader!


are you going to continue salvation


@-Warty- hi! yes, I plan to after I finish my exams in April.


guess who’s a legal adult now 


Omg I luv ur books I hope will keep writing 