
Hey! your most consistent writer is here just kidding sorry for acting so unprofessional its not that I wanted to disappear from here its just I don't know what's wrong with me I just couldn't find the motivation to upload anything and because of losing interest in everything I used to love and also I have officially deactivated all of my social media but of course not wattpad because my computer will have the access to this platform and to whoever is trying to text me on other platforms like instagram you'll never receive a reply maybe in the future but that would not be soon and maybe I will not get any messages under this post but its just for the brief info Thankyou and have a gorgeous day <3


@justin_seagull_kook we just interact online for me being friends is talking on regular basis but when I look back I am very pleased that I know people who have great personality


@darkfantastic i just wanted to let you know i have changed my username so that when i read your book you’ll know its me and heyyyyy i’m also your online frienddddd


@justin_seagull_kook I remember only a little, I don't really have online friends. there are some people I interact with in the comment section and they are very few so I remember everyone


Hey! your most consistent writer is here just kidding sorry for acting so unprofessional its not that I wanted to disappear from here its just I don't know what's wrong with me I just couldn't find the motivation to upload anything and because of losing interest in everything I used to love and also I have officially deactivated all of my social media but of course not wattpad because my computer will have the access to this platform and to whoever is trying to text me on other platforms like instagram you'll never receive a reply maybe in the future but that would not be soon and maybe I will not get any messages under this post but its just for the brief info Thankyou and have a gorgeous day <3


@justin_seagull_kook we just interact online for me being friends is talking on regular basis but when I look back I am very pleased that I know people who have great personality


@darkfantastic i just wanted to let you know i have changed my username so that when i read your book you’ll know its me and heyyyyy i’m also your online frienddddd


@justin_seagull_kook I remember only a little, I don't really have online friends. there are some people I interact with in the comment section and they are very few so I remember everyone


So whenever I reply to comments I try to make the person feel close to me and comfortable but sometimes I think I'm being rude or I'm acting like a creepy person but I'm trying to recover from this habit and I try to reply professionally but sometimes it doesn't work cuz old habits are hard to change *lol*


@MOCHI_AISH okay from now on I'll only act formal in my chapters and also while sending any requests Thank-you for the advice siso ♡


@darkfantastic I think Sam instead of being professional just be yourself.....don't change. 


I just want to inform that I am a little sick so that is why I'm not able to update I hope you guys understand,Thank-you!


@darkfantastic  it's ok, yes I am doing well and I wish you the same 


@Suga_Aashna Thank-you that you took time and asked about my health hope you are doing well too


I don't know why I always feel so lonely whenever I come back from my hometown maybe it's because my whole family lives there 
          I don't feel sad when I'm leaving but after I come back.
          I try to sleep but the loneliness suddenly hits like a truck and now I've lost counts of how many times I have cried since morning 


@darkfantastic no problem as long as it makes you feel better!!


@Prathyaksha_Nara Thank-you for comforting me,dear I won't forget this ♡


@Suga_Aashna OKAY!
            But it was just for a day and I'm back to my usual self now 


Hello author nim how are you I hope you are doing well please come back soon we miss you 


@jaya0110 can't wait for the update 


@jaya0110 Hey,Dear reader *I don't know your name so,sorry I don't know how to address you* I'm doing very well and I'll come back soon and there will be an update on 28th November because someone requested it for their birthday so don't worry about it 


What do you think a toxic freind is?


@darkfantastic let me confirm also *lol*


They also use u for the benefits and fake concern 


this message may be offensive
@darkfantastic a total selfish person person who acts like she values u more than anything but actually saying bad things behind your back.The one who make alot friends but doesn't allow u too make!the one who just always talk shit abt others.
            Best way to find a person like that is to see how they are speaking to u so u can understand in which way they will talk abt u to others.


I suggest all of the active readers to not use offensive/cuss words because lots of comments got reported and is under review,so I hope you all will keep that in mind 


@darkfantastic I seriously stopped yk


There is a person who is very outgoing,friendly and doesn't get angry easily but she doesn't know how to react in situations like when someone is crying she doesn't know how to comfort them,if someone is hurt she wouldn't help them,she doesn't feel any pity but she is sensitive she wouldn’t bother that person who is ignoring her *more like mad at her*...
          What do you think what's wrong with her?


@Miae00 that's correct what do you expect from a person who is lonely even if she have tons of people around her 


Its okay if someone doesnt know how to comfort or console people who are sad, it doesnt mean that the person is bad ,imp thing is to be there for those who are imp for us. We shouldnt judge people based on such things...and abt helping ...maybe she will get better with that with time and learn...whats her age? Age matters too. If she is young things will get much more easier when she grows Idk much abt that person so this is my opinion based on abv info abt the girl.


@darkfantastic then  I would recommend her to watch go ahead cdrama btw can understand person with childhood trauma is just so much......