
I am so horrible, I completely forgot that it was June 
          	Happy Pride! 
          	Sadly, I will not be able to make it to my local parade this year. It's Heartbreaking truly. My cousin usually plans it and she's not gonna be here this year to do so.  We are lost without her and the rest of us are so short we'll get lost in the crowd without her near to flock to. I will be working a lot on The Perfect Trilogy this month, my Hazbin book will be updated soon, and I am working on another Angel Dust x OC book that takes place before the events of Hazbin Hotel that will lead directly into a Blitzo x OC book.


I am so horrible, I completely forgot that it was June 
          Happy Pride! 
          Sadly, I will not be able to make it to my local parade this year. It's Heartbreaking truly. My cousin usually plans it and she's not gonna be here this year to do so.  We are lost without her and the rest of us are so short we'll get lost in the crowd without her near to flock to. I will be working a lot on The Perfect Trilogy this month, my Hazbin book will be updated soon, and I am working on another Angel Dust x OC book that takes place before the events of Hazbin Hotel that will lead directly into a Blitzo x OC book.


Very Important PSA: 
          Descendants Rise of Red will not be included in my Shadow Queen nor blue flames descendant's series. Considering Uma is in this movie it's still a toss-up if I will add it into the Golden Hearts series with occasional mentions of the other characters and appearances from Ryder and Quinn. Since Ryder Guards the boarders between worlds, he would fit in seemingly well but like I said I'm not sure yet. I will watch it but I'm not promising anything.


I just started watching Ever After High for the first time and two things, number one Apple White pisses me off so much every time she's on screen I can feel my blood boiling. It's always 'what about me?' Like she really wants Raven to have a horrible future and life just so she could have her Happily Ever After and secondly WHY WAS I NOT TOLD IT WAS DIRRECTLY CONNETED TO MONSTER HIGH?


@-via_strange- Same I warmed up to her as well but she still is not my favorite I Mean She Forced Raven to have to sign the book of destiny but Raven didn't want to she wanted to make her own path. 


@EmmaGMaybank YES WELCOME TO EAH!! I loved this series when I was younger and did not like Apple in the few seasons. Idk where you are up to but I warmed up to her but she’s not my favourite!


@darkvixen14 Cupid Is where the connection to Monster High Comes in with Ever After High Both Fandoms are awesome I have watched both as a child and I had all the dolls from Both, Apple Definitely Isn't My Favorite She Tends To Force Raven into doing things and I don't like her much


Unpopular opinion time: Lukanette should have been Canon 
          I'm not talking about for a short time to develop Adrian and Marinette either I mean they should have been end game. Here's my reasons in no particular order.
          Marinette made it clear in late season three that ladybug was a facade. Marinette is who she really is, and ladybug is someone else and no one really appreciates Marinette, Adrien was obsessed with Ladybug and only fell for Marinette after Ladybug rejected him a bunch and given the choice, I have no doubt that he would choose ladybug over Marinette if he was given a do over. 
          Marinette was OBESSED with Adrien. To the point where she was giving stalker behavior. And it wasn't cute I have no idea what the team was thinking. She also showed no interest in Chatnoir for like four season and just like ladybug is a facade to her Adrien being the perfect little model is his facade. 
          Luka showed genuine interest in Marinette and the things she liked, he was never pushy with her and wasn't obsessive. He cared about her with no strings attached. He figured out who she was completely and sacrificed his own happiness because Marinette and Adrien are supposedly soulmates. Adien and Marinette go to him for advice, and he doesn't try to sabotage their relationship for his own gain. Lukanette was a healthy relationship from the get-go and should have stayed canon.


I actually agree with you. Adrien didn’t appreciate Marinette, and her behavior towards him was extremely worrying and I am concerned that the writers were romanticizing stalking and obsession. I really love Luka and I think he would have been a GREAT endgame for Marinette.


Hey I hate to bother you but can I ask a question? It's for one of my stories it's one of my very stories I ever thought about writing and I had it in my drafts and finally started working on it, It's An H20 Just Add Water Fanfic with Emma's Twin Sister Gracie, if you would like to check it out and it's a crossover with Twilight which I didn't originally plan on doing. And I have two photos for their mermaid forms With the normal orange tails or colored tails. The chapter where I have it is called, Question. Only If you want to you don't have to. 


@EmmaGMaybank I'm not a huge H20 fan, I'll check it out, but I can't promise I'll understand a lot of it 