
i know im on an indefinite hiatus right now because of family and personal reasons but i make the occasional trip back just to look things over and i've come back to the worst news. 
          	@katsusoft has stolen my work, my Jeon Jungkook x female reader 'The Prince with the Ugly Heart' fanfic was stolen by them word for word and made to be a bakugou x reader fanfic! and I will not stand for it! My hands are shaking from how angry I am right now! Just because I'm on an indefinite hiatus doesn't mean you can sneak in and steal my work!


I'm happy to see you back... it's been a while. It's sad you haven't came back to good news  I hope university is going okay and that you're doing okay too!


@ daydreamindollie  I'm kind of an auther myself and just imagineing my work getting stolen by some lame b#tch makes me want to do some illegal stuff So hearing some b#tch wannabe steal your work makes me wanna do the same thing to them. 


@Oni-cheese5 thank you for being angry for me, that's made me feel slightly better; i've calmed down now so i'm not as angry, i'm just sad for the bnha readers that didn't know she stole my work and genuinely enjoyed the story - i don't think any of them realised it was stolen and now a fanfic that they were enjoying just disappeared without warning, she needed to apologise to them too


i know im on an indefinite hiatus right now because of family and personal reasons but i make the occasional trip back just to look things over and i've come back to the worst news. 
          @katsusoft has stolen my work, my Jeon Jungkook x female reader 'The Prince with the Ugly Heart' fanfic was stolen by them word for word and made to be a bakugou x reader fanfic! and I will not stand for it! My hands are shaking from how angry I am right now! Just because I'm on an indefinite hiatus doesn't mean you can sneak in and steal my work!


I'm happy to see you back... it's been a while. It's sad you haven't came back to good news  I hope university is going okay and that you're doing okay too!


@ daydreamindollie  I'm kind of an auther myself and just imagineing my work getting stolen by some lame b#tch makes me want to do some illegal stuff So hearing some b#tch wannabe steal your work makes me wanna do the same thing to them. 


@Oni-cheese5 thank you for being angry for me, that's made me feel slightly better; i've calmed down now so i'm not as angry, i'm just sad for the bnha readers that didn't know she stole my work and genuinely enjoyed the story - i don't think any of them realised it was stolen and now a fanfic that they were enjoying just disappeared without warning, she needed to apologise to them too


great stories but never completes any. It always says that it will update or that something unforeseen happened and it's been 4 years since I've been waiting for the peculiar pack to be updated. 


@AnaViana5 i'm very sorry; please don't hold it against me. i love to write but a lot of personal things have been getting in the way, not only that but my motivations and inspirations have been dwindling as well - i hope you know that i write for free, without any financial compensation, and money is a very sensitive topic in my household, especially with the cost of living crisis happening right now, which i am very much a victim of
            I also hope you know that I don't appreciate the passive aggressive tone in your message and don't say that it's not your intent because complementing my 'great stories' before following with 'but never completes any' is very insulting and inconsiderate. you also had the audacity to ask for recommendations of similar stories to mine that actually get finished, which is so disheartening and disgusting to read. i try my best but i can't control whether or not i have writers block or if i even have enough time to write when i have other more important and pressing issues to deal with in my day to day life. i'm also sorry for having incredibly bad people pleasing issues and promising things that were too ambitious and unrealistic for me to follow through on. but don't worry, you'll be happy to know that i have been working on that toxic personal trait and now don't feel the need to please others that don't really care about me.
            if you want to encourage any authors or writers, who write for free, to update their works in the future, i would recommend that you don't do it like this and that you bear in mind the life they live behind the scenes. I also recommend that you reread your message before pressing send, just to check your tone. 
            i'm very sorry for inconveniencing you by not finishing stories i was writing for free and had full intention of finishing before life happened. I'm also very sorry for leaving my work and stories up to be reread and not deleting my account fully even after not having updated in such a long time.


If anyone knows of a story similar to peculiar pack or if any writer is going to finish the story please send it to me




I need more Of the denki x mother reader 


@daydreamindollie take all the time you need


@daydreamindollie YOU’RE BACK ️️️‼️