
hello to whoever actually checks my conversations, i am just to inform you all my writing may take a dive as i am forced to write and publish my work through my phone as for some unknown reason, wattpad isn't working on my computer (this is not the first bug either) i can't save my work this means that i can't edit or even put down words on my stories either, because it needs to save in order to publish, and it's just on my laptop, it works on my phone, i tested it, so yeah, i am probably gonna be writing less now because of that, the irony of that is i started my writing journey on a phone to begin with, and now i am forced to go back to it


Bud are u still here I want tell u something!


@shadow_ceris2 hey sorry, I've been busy on my new account, and life has gotten rather hectic here, what's up


Hey bud..I'm done and I have unfortunately news for our soul eater rp I'm scraping the idea and I know you're thinking why the hell I'm I keep scraping thing look idk ok lot In my f**ing mind is in stress why because what I'm doing this rp just making it so stupid and idk what do anymore first I get idea and next minute change thing other god damn minute new idea and the end scraping it and even if I try to explain shadow collective thing pretty sure you're not going understand it it's like my mind can't decide crap in our rp and I'm just making thing stupid I already two oc who are easily enough and yet somehow I'm struggling with one female oc villain for some reason sigh 
          Dragon samurai 13 tell me I'm I just making thing diffulft in soul eater rp I'm I just making things stupid by change thing up restarted and are you tired of me changing ideas 


How are you 


@shadow_ceris2 ..sigh ...sorry for my voice rage...sigh idk what do anymore soul eater rp it is...I'm out idea...sigh


One thing 


@shadow_ceris2 I'm going to be dogsitting this weekend for my mom so I may not be able to get back to you, I'll try tho.


@shadow_ceris2 on Saturday rp I think its I switched things up I have new oc and I'm not using star wars one two new army one robot other kishin reptiles 


Ok why haven't u replied me


@shadow_ceris2 it just wasn't a good time for me, sorry, my teenage cousin is having a lot of issues, and we are trying our best to help her, combine that with me currently job hunting and i'm just overly busy


Can you update your harry potter story's.


It ok if you don't have time yet it's just the story's are really good 


@Loveanimenc never mind, i see you want me to update several of them, i'll see what i can do but i am currently working on a project