
Hello, I enjoy your works. As an aspiring author I am just asking for advice on how to make the book I'm writing to be well organized and well received, The only thing I have going for me is I ranked 13 in phycology so Im here asking for advice. thx for your consideration


Hello! I hope I didn't disturb you? I wanted to ask you if I can translate one of your works? This is "Izuku's pro hero family (UA staff chat)". I liked it and would like to transfer it to the site I hope for agreement. (I will definitely say that this is not my job!)


Hey @duhhwhat everything ok cuz you haven't updated a story in awhile


@EricG128 Hi! Sorry for not being able to update my works... I'm currently at a not-so-good point of my life so I'm trying to get it together. I hope I can get back to my works soon though. Thank you for checking on me and I hope you're doing well :)




@duhhwhat most of em are his human form, but i have a few cats as well


@Their-Majesty Damn! I've got some too...  Of him as a cat though... 


@duhhwhat yessssssssssss, I have like 50 pictures of that man


Hello duhhwhat, I hope you are doing well! I love your pieces of work (even though I have only read a couple of them - should really get onto reading the others ._.) and tbh your writing is one of the things that encourage me to try writing fanfictions. Also, I think this comes from all of us but thank you for all the hard work and countless hours you have put into creating your fanfictions so that we are all able to enjoy them. It always brings a smile to my face reading your work and the emotional connections that you create with each character are spellbinding. I can't wait to see what you are able to create in the future with your outstanding writing capabilities duhhwhat! I know I have already said this but thank you :D !


@_Airblast_ hank you so much!! I'm sorry I haven't been able to continue my other works or be active on Wattpad as I've hit a very rough patch in life. I'm honestly honoured to be one of the reasons you want to try your hand at writing fanfictions. I'm sure you'll ace the art in no time! Hopefully, I'll return to writing once things are settled and I'm so glad you've enjoyed my works. 
            Thank you for motivating me as well. I actually needed that :)
            Stay Safe<3