
In case anyone was looking for it, I have taken When Gods Rise down to rework it so that it meets Wattpad's new guidelines. If all goes well, I hope to finish the series before the end of summer. Anyhow, enjoy your week!


In case anyone was looking for it, I have taken When Gods Rise down to rework it so that it meets Wattpad's new guidelines. If all goes well, I hope to finish the series before the end of summer. Anyhow, enjoy your week!


A prisoner without chains,
          and kept in your station by men with guns.
          ‘Do as you are told,’ they say.
          Try to break free, and you die.
          Not openly murdered, but you disappear.
          Your name, your everything, is simply erased
          From time, from memory, and
          The family you leave behind will say you never existed.
          Two women in love…? Ha! The world has never heard a bigger farce.
          Now, you straighten up and do as you’re told.
          If you stick to your corrupted ways, girl, 
          death and ruin are the only fate that awaits.  
          So, grow your hair long, put on a dress
          And make yourself lovely for your future husband. 


"I hate you." 
          "I love you." 
          Zeren and Erin have always operated between these two extremes. One was born with an unbelievably small magic core; the other had one large enough to share. Together, they can overcome anything except Erin's parent's opposition to them trying to be something more than enemies. 
          Setup by her real nemesis, Erin, and by extension, Zeren, get expelled from Howard's for summoning demons. They transfer to Champion's Magic Academy, where their magic is locked, and learn that status and wealth are everything. 
          The key to unlocking their powers is helping their new school's flyball team win their first tournament.
          But this means having to work with their enemies. 
          Can the girls handle their emotions well enough to complete their task and regain their magic in time to defeat their newest enemy? A corrupted Dragonblood who cares little for consent and counts on his parent's influence to get him out of trouble. A boy who drove a student to commit suicide a year before the girls transferred. And a boy who had the misfortune of falling for the girl Erin Gatti-Williams was madly and desperately in love with. 
          Updated daily.


@edanmorez thank you so much for checking it out and coming back to comment here :) it updates every day at noon till it ends *virtual hug*


@edanmorez I love it so far! : )


I love historical fiction, but I kind of hate writing hate it, because it involves a lot of research and I'm afraid of getting things wrong. I'm paranoid that someone might say, "This or that didn't exist then, or people didn't talk like this...."
          However, I was so moved by a book I read, I decided to take the plunge.
          So, if you like historical fiction too, read this book about two boys in the 1960s who kind of accidentally fall in love.


@edanmorez also, ignore the second 'hate' in the first part.


Tbh, it's more of a short story/ novella. 


New Chapter of Gain:
          At the end of the hall was a black mirror. Something stood in the centre, but it wasn’t Cloud’s reflection. The person it showed had their back to him. As if hearing a sound, they turned and saw Cloud. The stranger’s skin was dark, but their hair was blonde and layered; some strands touched their shoulders. The person’s blue eyes held Cloud captive. They were dressed well in a tailored white shirt with ruffles spilling down the center and slim-fitting black pants.
          They raised their hand, reaching for the glass. Cloud did the same. When he touched the mirror, his fingers didn’t stop; they passed through what felt like water, then met the other person’s cold fingers, which were much shorter than his but felt real. Cloud’s hand now appeared behind the glass.
          He heard a voice calling, “Zuri!” The hand pulled away from him, then its owner turned and walked away. 