
Hi readers!
          	Chapter one of Forgetting Him is available now! This story has been in the making for *years* and I am super excited to finally share it with y'all. Thank you for your continued patience and please let me know what you think and provide feedback. I hope to update soon :)
          	- Eli


Hi readers!
          It has been too long since I last posted here. Nevertheless, I have been immensely grateful for the popularity of Bathe in Color and all the love, comments, and votes you have shared! Writing has always been more than a hobby to me; it has been a dream career path and a conduit of healing and self-reflection. Thank you all for engaging with my writing and being patient. These last few months of wrapping up school have been especially tiring. Yet, the hope looming on the near horizon has embued me with a desire to return to writing. I already have a few story ideas, both original and fanfiction, that are in the prewriting phase, and I cannot wait to share them with y’all!
          However, I cannot make this announcement without addressing the recent Wattpad guideline changes. As an advocate for greater sex education, especially for LGBTQIA+ teens, I am very disappointed by these new guidelines. When I was a teen, reading YA novels that described foreplay, contraception, pleasure, consent, and safety provided me with comfort and education that I otherwise had zero access to, especially as a queer person. Removing this content not only makes it harder for teens to learn about sex but also implies that teens do not have sex. While I understand and applaud Wattpad’s attempt to remove pornographic or erotic material involving minors, I think that a blanket ban on “fade to black” sex scenes common in YA novels and PG-13 films is overreactive, creatively limiting, and reductive. I do not intend to censor or take down my work and any removal of Bathe in Color from Wattpad will not be my doing. That said, I have created an Inkitt account where I will post Bathe in Color if Wattpad takes it down. For now, all my future stories will be posted on both Wattpad and Inkitt for double access. The link to my Inkitt account is on the “About” tab of my profile. 
          For those of you who are still here, thank you for giving me time to make my return. It means the world to me!


Hope you are doing well


bathe in color? did it get taken down? 


Yes much better thank you! :)


@elithemysticalauthor PHEW!! omg i finished it long ago but i wanted to add it to my reading lists so when i checked and found it disappeared, i almost cry ^-^ i'm sorry someone was bullying you that's horrible :( i hope you're doing better now!!! <3


@exxtreemm Sorry it is back online now! Someone on here was bullying me and leaving hateful messages on Bathe in Color, but I have republished it now :)




@LoganXCX I apologize you weren't able to finish it when you first started it :( I hope you're able to get back into it now


@DiiscordIvy_ Sorry it is back online now! Someone on here was bullying me and leaving hateful messages on Bathe in Color, but I have republished it now :)