
I found out this morning that Chaos Calling: Book I of The Xenthian Cycle is available through the Toronto Public Library. Four paperback copies are available, including one at Lillian H. Smith, the science fiction and fantasy branch that is home to the Merril Collection.
          	I'm so thrilled to know it's accessible to anyone in my city with a library card.


I found out this morning that Chaos Calling: Book I of The Xenthian Cycle is available through the Toronto Public Library. Four paperback copies are available, including one at Lillian H. Smith, the science fiction and fantasy branch that is home to the Merril Collection.
          I'm so thrilled to know it's accessible to anyone in my city with a library card.


Hello Wattpaders! 
          I hope 2022 is treating you well. Chaos Calling: Book 1 of The Xenthian Cycle is now available for preorder as a ebook and will be available through the KDP program on May 31, 2022. 
          I wish I could cross-post the novel here, but KDP rules mean I can't do that right now. I have added a new essay to my "Transforming Your Writing Life" with Wattpad collection about a time in my life where I believed I would never reach this milestone. I'm glad to have been so wrong. 
          Happy spring! Happy reading!


Hey everyone, 
          2020 has been a bizarre year. I hope you're safe and well wherever this message reaches you.
          I've spent a lot of the last couple years with my head down on a manuscript working with a freelance editor to prep for publication. My books have split from three to four (a quartet, possibly?) and I'm getting great insights from my gamma reading group. 
          It's too early to give you a launch date, but I've landed a critical reader whom I'm very excited to be working with -- I'm currently racing to get the final edit of Book 1 together for mid October. Fingers crossed but 2021 might be in the cards.  
          I'm also working with illustrators on cover concepts and last month I pitched a new idea to Netflix in their open call. It was super fun to learn the format for pitching films and I found the experience to be weirdly satisfying, whatever happens. 
          I hope your summer has been full of good reads, relaxation time and restoration to prepare you for the fall. It's uncertain for all of us, and I wish you the best with your plans and projects. 
          Love and masks,


Hey everyone! Welcome to 2019.
          I've got some great beta feedback coming in from my sensitivity readers on Book I of my current project. Getting ready for another editing push through the winter and into spring, along with some special consultations.
          What's going on with you? What are you most excited about so far this year?