
I’m going to make a new book soon but I’m deciding between two. 
          	A) A horror-romance book
          	B) War-romance book
          	If you want to let me know your preference it would be nice! 


@eunoiaredamancy in a fan of neither, but horror-romance seems less heart wrenching than a war-base romance, so I’ll go with the former


I’m going to make a new book soon but I’m deciding between two. 
          A) A horror-romance book
          B) War-romance book
          If you want to let me know your preference it would be nice! 


@eunoiaredamancy in a fan of neither, but horror-romance seems less heart wrenching than a war-base romance, so I’ll go with the former


Hey, I just finished Falling, Fallen and I was wondering if you were going to write bonus scenes/chapters in the near future, like the family trip to Mexico, or what happened on the night that Kit’s father called Issac a slur and how it all went down. 
              But all in all, besides a few minor lingering questions that I had, I absolutely loved it. It kept me entertained, especially moments where Noah and Kai were being complete morons. Sure, me reading this in class may have gotten my phone taken away, but the book was too irresistible to put down. Especially within the last 5 or so chapters. 
                 It was also quite a treat seeing how your writing style progressed from the first few chapters to the ending scene. I could tell bay you worked hard to improve and I envy that quite a lot! 
                I’m all honesty, I give the book a solid 8/10, due to a few minor plot holes and inconsistencies/the slightly try shed author’s note at the end of chapter 45 explaining what went on after the main events of the book’s ending. However, it was such a fun read and I hope that you pursue in writing some more novels or novellas, I would be very invested!


@eunoiaredamancy that’s awesome! I’ll be looking out for any notifications regarding that, for sure


Thanks so much! I know the feeling of phone being taken away with due to reading something haha. Noah and Kai are definitely some of my favourites. I’ll probably do some bonus scenes, yes, if that’s something people would like to see. Thanks for the feedback it is much appreciated as I’m hoping to continue writing more. 