
I have returned! I feel terrible for leaving you guys on a cliff hanger for so long but I honestly needed time to cope with having to part from one of my beloved characters. Big things coming soon!


There’s nothing more humbling than 300 kids at your small Christian college witnessing you cry in the lunch room. Thank you for witnessing my Ted talk guys, todays topic was mental breakdowns. These kids know more about me than they should know. Yikes


Hi everyone! New part! School has been super hectic! I Put the athlete back in student athlete and joined a sport I've literally never played before! I also got an on campus job so balancing life, classes, work, and practice took a little getting used to, but now here I am! Have a great day!


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hey! I'm back and officially moved into college! Sophomore year! whoop whoop! yay me! I'm hoping to get in the groove again but I just made a major adult life changing decision today and I'm exhausted from all the crying I've been doing. Long story short, I took the athlete out of student athlete and quit a sport I've been playing for 11 years because my coach is an asshole who absolutely demolished my mental health. On the bright side, a huge weight has been lifted and I feel like I can breathe again. Enjoy the chapter! Love you!


Hi everyone! I know I said I wanted to focus on finishing Lemon water before I started another book, but lemon water is almost over (probably only like 15 chapter left honestly) and I’ve been in a big time rush kind of mood. I’m still going to focus a lot more on Lemon water, but my new story Misery was made public a few days ago just for some filler work while I’m experiencing difficulties with Lemon Water. If you like James Maslow and all of big time rush, define check it out. This will also have slower updates since I move back to school next week, but hopefully it may be worth it for you!


Hey I’m reading your new book I love it so far but what does the main character look like ?


Hi! Sorry for the late response! I’ve been getting like no notifications lately for any app! If you’re talking about ‘Lemon Water,’ Serena is supposed to look almost identical to Embry (played by Kiowa Gordon if you want a visual). She’s average height for a female which is between 5’5 and 5’6 with medium length dark brown hair and tan skin like the others who live on the reservation. If you need anymore help let me know! I’ll check this more frequently over the next few days in case you post again!


Hey guys, so I broke my hand two weeks ago and had surgery on it last week, so updates are going to be slim to none for the next two ish moths because I’ll have no mobility in my thumb until rehab. I’ll keep you updated but as of now Lemon Water is on temporary hold, to be resumed soon. Have a great day!


I love all of you guys so much! Today we hit another major mile stone on Lemon Water! 200,000 reads! Never in a million years did I ever imagine that many people reading my silly little stories! You guys are fantastic! I love you so much! 


Hey guys! Unfortunately I just tested positive for covid and am not feeling great so this update that was going to go out yesterday is a little behind schedule. Hopefully it'll be out by tomorrow! Also, do you guys think the twilight wolves have buttholes? It's been a recent topic of conversation in my household. See ya guys later!