
hi friends, it's been a long time coming but I wanted to pop on here and let you know that i've made the hard decision to unpublish the blood in the water for now since i haven't been able to make any progress on it in recent months. 
          	unfortunately i've had a lot less free time and energy to write over the past year or so than i did before, and now that i've been working on this book for a year and a half there are already a ton of things that i wish i'd done differently and would want to change. my lack of motivation to keep going on this draft has led to me not doing any writing at all, so i think it's time for me to try out something different.
          	i'm not completely sure whether i'll come back to this book or not or just let it live in my mind. but if i do, i'll go ahead and finish writing the whole thing before posting it so that you aren't left hanging again. leaving stories unfinished really frustrates me so i'm sorry to be doing it, but i honestly love these characters too much to feel like i've done them justice with my unmotivated writing. 
          	hopefully i can come back here with something new pretty soon, but if not then just know that i appreciate all of your support over the years very much <3


Queen of my heart 


          I've been reading The Search for Lily Myers, and I just had to say it's one of the best written stories I've seen on Wattpad. And I've been here for years!
          The characters are not at all one-dimensional (they don't exist solely for some role in a plot), the dialogues are EXTREMELY natural (like HOW are they so smooth), and the plot developments are sound, logical, and unpredictable (chef's kiss).
          You're also doing an amazing job at showing instead of telling! I could really feel Amelia speaking and living out her life instead of narrating it plainly for us. Even though it's in 3rd POV, you have already topped a wide range of 1st POV stories when it comes to personal voice and intimacy with characters, and to me that is such an difficult feat to achieve.
          Have I also gushed about Amelia and Henry yet? They're super adorable and pure that it's making my heart swell with love. Their interactions are also setting my own standards higher, and now you're basically making me want a guy like Henry myself ;)
          I'm only halfway through, but I'm so excited to read your other works already! I could tell you work really hard on them and that each chapter was delicately written with a lot of thought.
          Thank you so much for writing and sharing your stories with us -- I can't stress this enough. 
          Just from your characters alone, I could already be *sure* you're a very empathetic person yourself, and that just inspires me to be better at being one too. <3


hi friends, it's been a long time coming but I wanted to pop on here and let you know that i've made the hard decision to unpublish the blood in the water for now since i haven't been able to make any progress on it in recent months. 
          unfortunately i've had a lot less free time and energy to write over the past year or so than i did before, and now that i've been working on this book for a year and a half there are already a ton of things that i wish i'd done differently and would want to change. my lack of motivation to keep going on this draft has led to me not doing any writing at all, so i think it's time for me to try out something different.
          i'm not completely sure whether i'll come back to this book or not or just let it live in my mind. but if i do, i'll go ahead and finish writing the whole thing before posting it so that you aren't left hanging again. leaving stories unfinished really frustrates me so i'm sorry to be doing it, but i honestly love these characters too much to feel like i've done them justice with my unmotivated writing. 
          hopefully i can come back here with something new pretty soon, but if not then just know that i appreciate all of your support over the years very much <3


Queen of my heart 


I have a couple of hours left of 2023 where I am, so I figured I’d pop on here with one final post of the year (since i’m an extreme introvert and have no NYE plans)
          It’s tricky to try to write something reflecting on what was by far the slowest writing year I’ve had since I returned to this site in 2020. A lot of my absence on here this year was due to stuff going on in my personal life, but I also was burned out on writing after writing and posting 4 books (5 if you count both drafts of The Search for Lily Myers) between early summer 2020 and fall 2022. Putting out 2 long books per year was honestly just an unsustainable pace for me in the long run and so I probably should have given myself a break before jumping into The Blood in the Water. We live and we learn. 
          So, no—this was not a productive writing year for me, but I did learn some other good lessons from it, like how to dive back in to a draft that I’ve been ignoring for months. How to feel less guilty for not posting consistently, though I’m still working on the whole being kinder to myself thing. 
          I’m really excited to finish this book in 2024. All of my books so far have taken place within the same universe, and I feel ready to wrap this chapter up and dig into something new. Wish me luck on the rest of this draft, and I hope you all have an awesome start to your year!


@-violetgray happy new year!! thank u for blessing our feeds with another short story


the final blood in the water update for 2023 is up!
          i'd be lying if i said that this was my best year on this site, but it absolutely was one that made me really appreciate the people who have stuck with me through my highs and lows and inconsistencies. i hope you all have had a wonderful holiday season and have a lovely new year!


hi friends! just popping on here to wish you a merry christmas and let you know that i haven't dropped off the face of the planet. i got sick a lot this fall which prevented me from getting a ton of writing done but i'm hoping to post a new chapter sometime in the upcoming week. thanks for sticking around even while i haven't been updating very often, i appreciate you! <3


just popping on here real fast to say I haven’t abandoned the internet, I just caught the flu and covid back to back and have been ✨struggling✨


@whereagardenwas it worked!! i'm feeling much better now thank u


@falling-into-you :( get better soon !!!!!!!! (will suck the illness out of u)