

Was wondering if I could make a request for your buffy imagines?? Felt it better to send here cause it might be too long to explain on a comment haha Basically the idea was for whatever reason the reader keeps having spicy dreams of spike (probably cause they’re irrevocably inlove with him) and they’re forced to stay in spikes crypt for awhile when willow accidentally casts a truth spell that makes them have to tell spike the truth about what they’re dreaming about and/or how they feel and it leads to some smutty content of some kind?? Hopefully that makes sense and obviously only write what you’re comfortable with but I thought I’d ask cause I think you write very well and I’m enjoying your btvs content very much 


          Wishing you all an early happy new year! I've had a lack of ideas lately (sorry for the lack of posts) but have a few in the works. A Dark Willow imagine is coming soon! Thank you for those who have sent requests - I promise I'm working on them, they're just taking some time.
          Continued thanks for reading my work - I love writing these silly little fanfics! <33


Oooh that sounds like it will be good


Hey all!
          Although I wrote 'Btvs Preferences/Imagines' after 'Cheekbones', it now has the most views! Thanks so much for reading my stories, I love writing them. 
          I just posted a new oneshot to the book, why not check it out? :)
          Have a great weekend <3


Hey Fizzy, I love your fanfic Cheekbones! Would you mind reading my first chapter of mine, New vamp of Sunnydale? It’s also a buffy fanfic and I would really appreciate your feedback!


@fizzy31funny I will definitely! Appreciate your feedback 


@hzgsn7qp7gprivaterel hey thanks a lot! Ive had a read and think the premise of the story is v cool. Its just abit unclear whats going on - maybe add some description or context to set the scene. 