
Please stop asking me to republish ‘Bits ‘n Bobs’ over and over again, it’s getting tiring and as I have mentioned multiple times already, I am not sure when it will be published again, or if it will ever be published again. I appreciate that you as readers, are eager to read more works, but i wrote those when i was younger, and I feel now that such books should not be associated with my profile. 


@frozenrainfall  could you check you dms? I asked you a question


@frozenrainfall Thank you as well for the amazing stories. I may be just a silent reader but I genuinely enjoy your books.


@frozenrainfall if that made you upset, j am sorry for the inconvenience but I just came across this book and I read about bits and bobs, so I searched but couldn't find it, so I made an inquiry. I have no idea you took it down.. once again I don't mean to irritate you 


To Zara,
          I just read “Smitten With Him”, and I think that it was possibly one of the best books I have read on Wattpad! I can’t wait to try your sequel, “Chase You”.
          Best wishes, and all the luck with a possible writing career,


Do you still plan to do another Flynn and Ben bonus story? 



I really love smitten with him, but I feel like there are missing some chapters. Special smut chapters? Like with Flynn. I'm not sure, just felt like there is a little hick up in the story if you get what I try to say.
          I really love you're way of writing it get me hooked up for hours and I miss a lot of sleep. Keep writing I'm sure I will read your other books too. ❤️❤️


I Can't stop rereading 'chase you ' , it's amazing and one of the best book I have read !!!!!! ❤️ 


@Bingclawsby thank you so much!! That means a lot ❤️❤️