
          	I will continues my books and I have new ones coming out
          	I really enjoy seeing your votes and comments and can’t wait to continue and finish these projects and show you guys my new ones thanks for all the support it is greatly appreciated I graduate in 4 months so that’s how long we’ll have to wait more or less love you guys I’ll be back soon


@hoonieology Aww I enjoy your books and I hope more people read them and enjoy them just as much as I do! :D  <33


          I will continues my books and I have new ones coming out
          I really enjoy seeing your votes and comments and can’t wait to continue and finish these projects and show you guys my new ones thanks for all the support it is greatly appreciated I graduate in 4 months so that’s how long we’ll have to wait more or less love you guys I’ll be back soon


@hoonieology Aww I enjoy your books and I hope more people read them and enjoy them just as much as I do! :D  <33


Hey guys I’m currently not able to update my books as often as I was before right now bcs of school and family stuff. I’m super sorry, I will be uploading a one shots book tho if you guys are interested IM NOT DISCONTINUING ANYTHING I just don’t have time right now I will try to update as much as possible I’m sure by  may or June next  year i will be able to updating each book (LLLL, Life As It Comes and The Kid Next Door)  twice a month like I said 


I unpublished WIITYILY I’m sorry to those who liked it but I didn’t and I want to go thru it and fix the plot cause I kind of confused myself and don’t have time to reread all of it right now (that includes the 18 or so chapters you didn’t even get to read) but once I do hopefully I can just post the completed version of it. Also hopefully I will update LLLL soon it’s also doing pretty good but idk haven’t had any ideas on how to write the next chapter so when I do I will post it but I’m mostly focused on Life As It Comes bc it’s doing the best right now


I don’t know why but I just want to clarify my username is CLEARLY a joke I know how to spell Jay’s Korean name, as I spell it in my books, it’s obviously a joke from enha so don’t sue me pls also enjoy the new chapter


I put all my other ongoing books on hiatus to focus on ‘life as it comes’ and LLLL since they’re more popular right now, other book will resume at a later date


@SomiHeeseung5 hiiii that is the plan but it’s a lil hard cause this book is not really new. It’s was in my drafts for a while but yes I published it wanting to complete it just bare with me and give me more time I want to make sure the chapters are lengthy, enjoyable and make sense. I want them to add to the story not just fill the chapter unless it’s a filler chapter but most of my fillers wills go with the story I just write them like fillers cause they can easily be skipped


@mrsparkjongsaeng hiiiii i just got on life as it comes and I'm curious are u going to complete it? 